Chapter 9~ Movies

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  • Dedicated to walt disney

(by the way, the last chapter happened BEFORE you were kidnapped so...just a heads up so your not confused)

~Before the movies~
You and Mike decided on what movie to watch
and after MUCH debate you settled on the best movie you could possibly pick
(let me remind you that this is set in 199o something, I read somewhere that the game is set in the 90's so I choose this movie cuz its the best movie that Disney could have ever made...)
 Best. Movie. EVER 
you take a shower and shave and put on your make-up and whatnot
after you choose a CUTE outfit (trust me) you and Mike head out
so I'm going to admit
it was kind of awkward at first...
like you want to talk to each other, but your SUPER nervous to start a conversation

so you than get to the movie theater and but popcorn and whatnot
(if you have braces, then tonight is your night to live dangerously and eat popcorn)
after sitting down and getting all comfortable do you and mike actually start talking
"so...have you heard if this movie is any good?" he asks
you smile "oh I heard it was really good"
he laughs
you laugh too so its not weird
then the commercials play (previews)
after like 10 freaking minutes of preview the movie starts
and you get really excited and start getting jittery
you sit back and relax and start watching the movie
you have to admit, it pretty good... (DAMN RIGHT ITS GOOD!) (sorry...)

~le time skip~
so yea...the movies over and you and Mike get up and start walking towards the exit
and of course the first thing you do is start talking and freaking out about the ending
Mike just nods and laughs while listening to you go on and on about it
so when you get to the car you stop and breath a BIG breath
Mike just smiles "finally stopped to breath?" he asks, laughing
you blush "well it was just really good and I cant believe the ending!!" you say, excitingly
Mike just keeps smiling at you
and you keep smiling right on back
and you guys sit there for 5 minutes just looking at each other
and then Mike starts driving
When you get back to your home (yes, YOURS) he walks you to the door
"I had fun tonight" you say, smiling and blushing (awww)
he smiles back "I had fun too" he says
you then see him lean in, ever so slightly
and you lean in. ever so slightly
until your lips are just inches apart
and then your lips meet
they meet for 5 seconds
and then its over
but #No regrets
when you both pull away you see you are both blushing
which is frigging adorable
and then he walks away
"goodbye Y/N" he says as he walks away
"goodbye Mike..." you say "see you tomorrow"

A/N- OH MY GOD YASSSSSSSSS!!!! it finally happened!! and I really enjoyed writing that :3
love you my cupcakes
and I commented waaaaaaaay too much on it... but #no regrets

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