Chapter 14~ when Freddy comes to play

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  • Dedicated to My cover picture (because my friend hates it) XD

~Normal P.O.V~
you toss and turn in your sleep , until you finally sink into the dream land
~dream land activated~
you wake upbringing find yourself in a room with only a lightbulb over your head, just like that day Ginger...
you look around and you see Nayeli tied up in a chair with that...golden Freddy costume sitting behind her and Ginger sitting next to her with a insane smile
"come to play have you" she says in a cool, creepy voice 
you shiver and walk towards her slowly
"Freddy likes visitors" she says in her chilly voice
you are shaking with fear, but you keep walking towards the group
you are standing only a foot away from where the group is sitting
"come play with us" her insane smile grows
then you feel yourself getting light-headed and turn around sharply and you see Freddy behind and then you black out
the last thing you hear is Ginger's insane laugh and a heavy metal screech 
you then wake up with a sharp jolt
you quickly get up and run to Nayeli 's room
you see her sitting on the bed with a shocked expression on her face
"d-did you have a weird dream too" you asks nervously
she nods and gets out of bed
you both walk down to the kitchen to eat breakfast
you see your parents cooking some eggs and whatever you like to eat
they notice Nayeli when you walk in
"who is this?" they ask, while yawning
"oh this is my friend, Nayeli" you say nervously
who knows how they will react to this
"well why is she here?" Your dad asks
"she just needed somewhere to stay for a little bit..." You say 
they nod "ok but not too long"
you nod and Nayeli does too
so you all sit down to eat and it's kind of akward, but whatever
~le time skip~
you and Nayeli are sitting on your bed , deciding what to do next
"it's not safe there anymore...something is up..." Nayeli says and you nod
"what are we going to do?" She says and you replied
"I don't know"
A/N- sorry it was short

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