Chapter 31~ all your fault

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~Normal P.O.V~
you can hear a scream that sounds a lot like Nick
you also hear Nayeli yelling and then silence...
you shiver with fear and wonder what could have happened to Nayeli?
your still tied to a chair
the door opens and the man with the mask comes in
"what did you do to Nayeli? is Mike here? I heard Nick scream!" question flood out of your mouths and Mask ignores them
"WaNt To SeE nAyElI?" he asks in his usual insane way
"this is too good to be true..." you think and nod
he smiles a wide, Insane smile and says "oK" and leads Nayeli into your room
you instently can tell something about Nayeli
her eyes look completely black except for a small red dot in the center of her eyes
"N-Nayeli?" you ask, scared for her
wondering...what did they do to her??
"Nayeli are you okay?!" you exclaim and Nayeli doesn't speak, she just stares at you with her pericing black eyes
"sHe HaS jOiNeD mE aNd GiNgEr On ThE JoUrNeY tO iNsAnItY" mask says and smiles again
"N-no" you whisper "NO!" you scream and Mask just nods
"nOw It'S yOuR tUrN!" mask says and laughs
you scream and start crying "I...i'm sorry Nayeli...this is all my fault..."
the door swings open and Ginger walks in with...
with Mike in her arms...
she was carrying him in and set him down beside you in a chair but didn't tie him up
"M-Mike" you say, your voice creaking
Mike is unconsious and has brusies and cuts on his face
"I thought I told you he has to be UNTOUCHED!" Ginger shrieks and mask cowards
"H-he was...b-but then h-he resisted a-and I h-had to-" mask says, trying to make excuses
"I don't want to hear it!!! I told you not to hurt him and you disobeyed me!" she slaps mask and he hits the wall
"I-it won't h-happen again!" he pleads
Ginger doesn't listen and blows her whistle
mask screams and backs into the wall
Freddy bursts into the room and Mike jolts awake and looks around franticlly
"ReAdY 4 Freddy?" Ginger asks insanly and laughs
Mask screams again as Freddy drags him off out of the room and into the next
I think you have an idea of what Freddy is going to do...
You shiver and Mike tenses up
Nayeli shivers also, but then goes back to staring at nothing
you reach your hand out to Mike's and he takes it
you and Mike hold hands and wait for anything
whatever trail may come next

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