Ask Motel

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Do you have any tips on how to stay in the past tense and not accidentally slip into the present tense? I tend to do this a lot and it confuses people.

Honestly, this is something that comes with practice. The more you write, the more you'll get better about staying in past tense. One thought, go back and read over each page after you're written it -- and before you post it on Wattpad. If possible, print it out.  Often you catch an error on paper that you missed on you computer screen!

What are your thoughts on writing in past tense rather than present?

I believe a story should be written the way it needs to be written, and which feels natural to you. That said, present tense takes a lot of skill. The problem with writing in first person/present tense is avoiding the dreaded "I" pitfall – I did this…I did that. In answer to one of the questions last week, I mentioned that your MC's are observers and not just participants. This is as true for writing in present tense as it is in past tense, for first person as well as third person. Maybe even more so.

Have you ever thought of continuing the story of Lethal?  It would be interesting to me to have another story about the 2 main characters.

No, I haven't, but I appreciate your asking. Coburn and Honor were hard to let go of, but typically when I’ve finished telling one story, I’m ready to move on to the next set of characters.  Many writers love writing series based on one character or a group.  I’ve never had an interest in doing that.  But a sequel to LETHAL isn’t beyond the realm of possibility.  I never say never!

 How do you make your book so much interesting for the readers?

I ask myself, "At this point in the story, what's the worst thing that can happen?", and then I make it happen!  And I keep the “secret,” what I know that the reader doesn’t, for as long as possible.  

 How long does it take for you to write and edit a story that you have wrote?

Approximately, six to eight months.  I’m under contract to my publisher for one book a year.  The rest of the time, I think about writing, I read, and I live my LIFE! 

 How do you become a full time author?

LOL I don't even know how to answer this one. Hard work and dedication, certainly.  And you  have to be a bit crazy and a glutton for punishment.

Do you have any tips or secrets on creativity, like any favorite newspapers or magazines you read regularly? Or get ideas from television or movies? Do you read other genres or classics for inspiration? Thank you!

Typically, I read outside my genre. I love historical fiction and historical romance. I recommend reading and reading widely! Also, yes, TV and movies are great studies for plotting and characterization. Curiosity stimulates me.  I’m nosy by nature.  So when I see/hear something, but don’t know all the facts, I’m asking: Why?  What?  Who? And start trying to fill in the blanks.

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