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Lev pov: Tuesday, 11th of June

I woke up to a message from Shibayama. We wouldn't call this morning because Yama was hanging out with inuoka. I was not only happy for my friend but also hopeful that they might get into a relationship and Inuoka wouldn't take Yaku away from me.

I quickly showered and brushed my teeth while. After that, I put on the Playlist 'my favourite libero ❤'. It's a playlist that practically resembles my feelings for him. Right now the song 'a shitty gay song about you' was playing. I could really feel this song. It is 100% accurate. He doesn't notice my feelings, I listen to Queen because of him. I mean some songs are good but I don't really feel them.

After that, I cleaned up my room and safely put away all the drawings. I didn't want Yaku to see anything of that when I tutor him this afternoon.

It took longer than I expected and as I finally left it was already ten minutes after I should've picked Yaku up. I started running but just two minutes after I saw a familiar blonde, short, super cute libero aka Yaku.

"Hey Lev, you weren't there so I just walked to your house hah" Yaku said while slightly blushing or was that just my imagination? Maybe he ran as well. That's probably why he is exhausted.

"It's okay, I just kind of forgot the time hehe" I responded after staring at him for too long than it should be normal. I hope he didn't notice. He seemed to snap out of something and just responded with "ah okay, that's fine. I had time so-". "thanks. I'll maybe just get comfortable like that~" "do that. I can pick you up if you want, or we just meet in the middle" "okay"

I smiled. He was so cute. I could literally die. Reason of death: cute libero

We walked in comfortable silence to school and arrived just in time for morning practice. Somehow Kuroo was super motivated. Imagine the amount of motivation he normally has that times Oikawa's motivation to the power of Hinata's motivation.

y = a ⋅ b^x

a = Kuroo's normal motivation

b = Oikawa's motivation

x = Hinata's motivation

y = Kuroo's motivation today

Kuroo had already set up the nets and was practicing with Kenma who seemed happy? Kenma never smiled or even make efforts for anything. But right now he was smiling brightly and looked exhausted?! Since when are they practicing? And what happened? I looked to Yaku who was smiling as well. He knew what was going on. He shouted "eyy Kenma. So you really did it? Well, congrats. I hope you two are doing fine. You know what we were talking about. Maybe I'll actually do it. I don't know right now. Anyway, I'm happy for you guys but don't do it here"

That confused me even more. What was he talking about?

"Oh, I didn't see you guys. And thanks. I told him yesterday after the Café. We went stargazing at my roof and cuddled and then I told him. He hasn't read the letter though haha" Kenma replied, looking at us. "That's great" "Yeah, it is. Anyway, I have to practice a bit more with Tetsu. We talk later, okay?" "Sure. And first name basis. Took you guys enough time" Yaku said, mocking? the setter. "Enough with that sweet-talk Kitten. We need to practice" Kuroo shouted, catching all the attention. Normally, Kenma would hate that name but he just simply waved at Yaku and walked back to Kuroo.

By now all the other team members were arriving. And somehow everyone was knowing what was going on. I didn't. What happened yesterday? Did Kenma propose to Kuroo? No, they're too young, so what happened? Did Kenma give Kuroo some promise rings? That must be it but I can't see them wearing any. Maybe they put them away for practice? I'll just ask Yaku later.

During practice, they all acted as if Kuroo and Kenma just started dating. Why though? Weren't they dating since primary school? As I asked Yaku later he told me that Kenma finally asked Kuroo out on a date. As I told him my thoughts he just giggled cutely and patted my head, saying "Of course you would think something like that, dummy" This made me blush so I quickly looked away.


In the second break, Yaku wasn't there. I wanted to look for him but Inuoka told me that he would reject someone he got a letter from right now and would come back afterwards. I was kind of hurt because Yaku didn't tell me but I just accepted it. I would have to ask him later.

As he came towards us 10 minutes later, he was smiling slightly. "And how was it" Inuoka asked, walking towards him. "She was nice but I had to reject her. I'm not into girls so yeah" Yaku responded. It made me happy. "Okay but now let's talk about something else. About the 'team party' this weekend for example" Sibayama said, trying to include us in the conversation. "Sure. So you guys are coming, right?" Yaku asked excitedly. "Of course" "Duh" we responded.

We chatted about the party and at some point, the other team members joined the conversation. The group decided that Yamamoto and Kuroo would buy the alcohol because they were the oldest and legally allowed to buy some. Fukunaga and Teshiro would buy some drinks we could mix it with. Shibayama and Inuoka would organize the party-games and Yaku and I would buy the snacks. We would be at Kenmas place because his parents never were at home and Kai would take Yaku's role of being the mom of the group and stay sober to care about all of us. Yaku normally likes to stay sober and doesn't drink anything but he announced that he would definitely drink something.

Actually, it didn't matter. We would all drink something because the games would include it. It would be a new experience seeing Yaku drunk. I wasn't sure if it would be a good or a bad one. 

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