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3rd pov: Saturday, 29th of June

After they woke up in each other's embrace, they quickly showered. As soon as Yaku stepped out of the shower, he was greeted by the smell of something sweet. After he arrived in the kitchen he saw that Lev was making cookie-dough. Yaku told him to buy some things they would need for this recipe and Lev connected the dots and assumed that they were making some.

They had a lot of fun but Yaku wanted to leave some for the next day which he never did. He normally wouldn't care. Lev was confused but shrugged it off. They had a lot of fun and before they knew it, they were finished.

"What are you doing", Lev asked after Yaku had put some cookies into a box. "We'll have a pick-nick so we need to prepare some more", Yaku replied. He was currently making some boiled eggs and pancakes. "Okay, should I get some bread?", Lev asked. "Sure", Yaku replied. Yaku continued making the eggs and decided to do some guacamole as well. He then started to make some pizza rolls. Lev was still not back and Yaku started to wonder where the taller was but just shrugged it off.

"I'm back. Sorry, the queue was pretty long", Lev said after Yaku had already put the pizza rolls in the oven. "It's fine. Just help me and make some cacao", Yaku answered. "Of course, what are you doing?", Lev replied. "I'm making some pizza rolls as you can see", Yaku said. "Cool, it smells really good. I'm excited", Lev answered. "Yeah, it is. Do you guys have some carrots?", Yaku asked. "Yeah, we do. I'll make some carrot and cucumber sticks", Lev said, already grabbing some from the fridge.

They continued preparing some more snacks for the pick-nick. Probably they made too much but they didn't care.

When they were finished, they went to the park close to Lev's house. First, they just walked through the park, holding hands like they always did. They laughed and blushed a lot and just enjoyed their joined time.

They overheard a conversation two girls had, "Look this guy is cute", the first girl said."Yeah but he's gay, didn't you see the pride button on his shirt", the other responded. "He could be bi or pan though", the first argued. "You're right", the second agreed. "Should I go talk to him?", the first asked. "Nah, they seem pretty close. Maybe they're dating. That would be awkward", the second girl argued. "True. let's just go. I want a girlfriend anyway", the first girl said. "Same", the other responded.

"Why are we always getting mistaken for a couple", Lev asked. "I already told you. because we do things normal friends don't do but I don't care honestly", Yaku responded, earning a smile from the taller.

After some more time, they had their pick-nick. It was fun and they laughed a lot. Still, Lev couldn't ban the thought of them being an actual couple out of his head.

When they were finished, they went back to Lev's place. There they played some card games. Yaku always won at Uno so Lev decided that they would play Set. Yaku still won most of the time but Lev didn't care. He just enjoyed the time, admiring the smaller boy in front of him.

Before they knew it, it was 12 pm so they brushed their teeth and went to bed. 

The Pride Confession, yakulev (ShibayamaxInuoka)Where stories live. Discover now