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Yaku pov: Friday, 21st of June

Today we would go to the outside swimming pool and let's say I was more than excited. I loved swimming and was pretty good besides me being short. Additionally, I got to spend a whole day with my Crush and we would wear bathing clothes and be wet. I hated thirsting over others but with him, I couldn't help it. I didn't sexualize him because that's just weird but I couldn't help staring at him when he was changing and today would be the same.

As always, I picked him up and we took the train together. We sat close to each other and were still holding hands and clinging to each other. It was normal between us, still, my heartbeat went up every time we were this close. I hoped he didn't notice though. It would be weird for him, right?

We talked a lot about everything possible but the kiss. Somehow he didn't mention it and I just somehow assumed that he forgot. He was drunk after all. And I wouldn't remind him. It would be weird. I would confess anyway so it's unnecessary.

After we arrived, we went to the changing cabins. I stayed inside mine for a bit longer, making Lev wait for me. I was preparing myself for the things that would happen after I left the cabin. Not just Lev himself but the things we would do. While thinking, I started blushing slightly so I had to stay inside for longer. I didn't want Lev to see me like that.

After I left the cabin and spotted Lev, my eyes automatically moved to his trained stomach and after that really fast far, far away from him. I was blushing slightly but he looks like he hasn't noticed it. "Come on Yaku, we need to shower now", he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the showers. "gosh fine Lev" I just responded.

After we showered, we went to grab our outdoor blankets from the cabins. I have to admit that he looks way better with wet hair. I could look at him forever but it would be weird so I just looked at our surroundings. It was beautiful. Kuroo and the others had reserved a place in the shadow of a beautiful, huge weeping willow. We walked over to them and put our blankets next to them. Kenma was taking a nap, leaning against Kuroo's shoulder. He left his PSP at home because he didn't want it to get wet and was scared of someone stealing it.

"Hello guys. I already told the teachers that were here. They want to announce some things when everybody's here.", Kuroo said as we approached them. "Sure, we already told our class teachers that we would spend the day with you guys and they said it's fine. It's a field trip after all" I responded, sitting on my blanket. "Yeah. Anyways, what are we doing now? We could wait for the others or already go in. They have a diving tower!" Lev said, pointing at a really tall tower. All in all, it was about 15meters/50 feet tall, with 4 different platforms. One at 1m/ 3ft, one at 5m/16ft, one at 10m/33ft and the one at 15m/50 ft. I hated heights so I would probably only jump from the lowest platform. Lev on the other hand loved them. Every time we were in a swimming pool, the first thing he would do was go to the diving tower and jump from the highest board there was. I didn't understand this but we are just different people with different interests.

After the others arrived, we all went to the main swimming pool and just splashed around. It was fun and the time went by pretty fast. When it was almost noon, we went out of the water and to the willow.

"Hey Yaku, could you please put some sunscreen on me. I don't want to burn", Lev said after we sat down. It was really hot so it was normal that he wanted to put on some sunscreen and he obviously couldn't reach his back on his own, still I blushed madly. "s-Sure. Where's your sunscreen?" I responded. "Here", he said while handing me over the orange bottle. He turned around and I couldn't help but admire his back muscles. I could stare forever but this wasn't the time so I just took the white cream and started distributing it on his back. I like the feeling of my hands on his back. I could stay like this forever.

"Thanks Yaku, do you want me to do it for you as well?" Lev asked after I finished. I, of course, accepted. It was a really pleasant feeling. And how it is with everything good, it ends too fast. "Thank you as well, Lev", I said.

After that, we went to buy some fries. They were overly expensive, 5 dollars! "Do you want to share? I'm not that hungry and they are way too expensive. I could buy so much more with that money" I said towards Lev. "Sure, let me buy them. You'll just give me back 2.5 later" he said, already going towards the line. I just stood there, not doing anything. It was weird so I just went back to the place beneath the willow and sat down.

After a while, I started talking to Kenma. "I actually have a plan how to confess. Inuoka and I already have a plan. It'll be great" I said. "Sure. You got this I bet he likes you too" Kenma replied. "Thanks, Kenma".

Lev pov: Friday, 21st of June

"I would like to have one portion of fries please", I said to the vendor. "Sure, with what would you like it" they replied. "Ketchup please", I said. I like both but Yaku absolutely hated Mayonnaise, especially when it's mixed with Ketchup so I didn't buy it. After I got my fries, I went back to the willow.

Yaku was already there, talking to Kenma. I didn't understand them but I heard some words which instantly made me lose my appetite. "..confess. Inuoka..plan" "..he likes you too". I turned around and wanted to run away to cry somewhere but it would be weird and Kuroo already spotted me. "Lev, hey come over", he said so I turned around and went back to them.

"Hey Yaku. Here you go. I somehow lost my appetite but I bet they're yummy" I said, handing him or the fries. I didn't care if he found me weird. I just wanted to close my eyes and think about the best way to get my heart broken. "Why do you don't want to eat them anymore? Did something happen?" Yaku asked worriedly. I found it cute that he was worried about me but that didn't really lift my mood. "nah I just got a small sunstroke, that's all. I'll just stay in the shade and drink some water" I replied. It was true but normally wouldn't affect me. "Lev! I told you to care more about yourself! You should've applied the sunscreen earlier. Just stay in the shadow and calm down" he said, more shouted at me. Still, I couldn't overhear the worried tone in his voice. "Are you worried about me, Yaku? That's cute from you" in a mocking tone. I didn't get a response and as I opened my eyes Yaku was eating the fries while looking at the water, a slight tint of pink on his cheeks. It was the most adorable thing I've ever seen.

After a while, we all went swimming some more and I went to the diving tower. Yaku sadly didn't come with me but promised me to look from afar. I wanted to start from the lowest platform and then slowly go upwards. The first was easy. Even Yaku sometimes jumped from it. It was lame though so I went to the next higher one. At this height, it was more fun and I was 7 when I first jumped from this height. Now I wanted to try the next higher ones. I only jumped from 10 meters two or three times and was a bit scared. If I didn't jump correctly, it would hurt like shit. But I wouldn't chicken out now. I loved the adrenaline. Additionally, Yaku was watching and I didn't want him to think that I'm a coward although I was. I wasn't scared of heights and stuff like that. I didn't care what happened to my body. I was scared of what would happen to my feelings, my soul and the way the people that mean the most to me think of me. I was scared of facing Yaku and my feelings for him.

I jumped several times. It was fun but the highest platform was closed because they didn't want anyone to hurt themselves. I didn't know if I would've jumped though.

All in all, the day went by faster than expected and before I knew it, Yaku and I were walking home. We didn't hold hands today because we were both too exhausted. It was sad but I just couldn't bring myself up to grab his hand. 

The Pride Confession, yakulev (ShibayamaxInuoka)Where stories live. Discover now