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3rd pov: Sunday, 16th of June

The next day, everyone slept until the early afternoon.

Kai woke up earlier than the others and started to make coffee and breakfast. His job was caring for the others, so he let them sleep while making Pancakes, scrambled eggs and rice, afterwards buying some bread at the bakery next door.

Teshiro and Yamamoto woke up next, only having a small headache so they helped. Yamamoto picked up the trash while Teshiro cleaned up the bowls and glasses they used.

After some time, Kuroo joined them and collected and organized the drinks and snacks left. He surprisingly didn't take any damage and lectured them about knowing their alcohol-tolerance.

At about 3 pm everyone was awake and they ate breakfast. Most of them only had some blurry memories from last night. Yaku and Lev both remembered the kiss but seemed to have forgotten that it wasn't just a 'dare-kiss'.

Still, the first thing they did after they woke up was tracing their lips, a goofy smile on their face. They both thought it would be enough to be as close as they were before this night but now they knew that they were yearning for way more.

Yaku now knew with a pretty high chance that Lev either had a Crush on him or on Shibayama and this drove him mad. 'Why does he give mixed signals all the time' Yaku thought.

After they ate, cleaned up the house and packed their stuff, they said goodbye and Inuoka, Lev, Shibayama and Yaku went to the weekly flea market. Earlier, they had brought their stuff to Inuoka's place because it was the nearest.

Lev has never been to a flea market before so it was a great new experience. He liked the idea of experiencing this with his two favourite persons, one of them being his longtime Crush.

Lev pov: Sunday, 16th of June

As we finally arrived I couldn't trust my eyes. It was so cool. I saw so much cool stuff everywhere and there were so many people. Yaku seemed to have noticed my excitement because he let out a chuckle and said: "Come on Lev. You'll see everything. It's even better if you're in there and not just watching from afar. The stuff here is really cool". With that, he took my hand and pulled me towards the crowd.

We first just went through and looked at all the items. There was a lot of old stuff like cutlery, coins, furniture and a lot of Children's toys. But there were also some very interesting paintings and a lot of clothes. Some of them weren't my taste or things I wouldn't buy nor use.

What did catch my eye was a stand with some used video games. They all seemed interesting but most of them weren't really my taste.

"Oi, did you find something?" Yaku shouted. He was currently at some stand that sold jewelry. As far as I knew, they sold old and new jewelry. Yaku wanted to buy matching necklaces for the confession and Inuoka would buy some earrings for the birthday of his mother.

I didn't really care about Inuoka. What did catch my interest was those necklaces Yaku bought. I wanted to be the one he would give it to. I wanted to be the one who would wear it. I wanted to be the one that other people saw as his significant other. I wanted to be the one he loves.

After I found out that those games weren't the ones I looked for, I approached Yaku and Inuoka. The earrings Inuoka picked were truly beautiful. Still, I didn't waste any time looking at them and gazed towards Yaku. Too late. He had already put the necklaces away.

I didn't want to look suspicious so I just gazed at his pocket before grabbing his hand and pulling him to the soaps. I knew that he loved them. Not because he was very focused on cleaning but because he admired the talent of making them. He enjoyed the smell, colours, consistency and the way they looked.

As expected he bought one lemon and one lavender piece.

We continued looking and found ourselves looking at some stand that sold Maccarons. I absolutely loved them but Yaku looked like he never ate some before. Therefore, I bought some and shared them with him. I ate one half and he the other one. It was quite a win-win situation. I got to share an indirect kiss with Yaku and he got to taste the Macarons. I was using him, to be honest, but sometimes you have to be selfish.

After that, we were looking for the others and crossed a stand that sold flowers. In front of us was a couple that bought a red rose. It was cute and because I loved flowers, I obviously went over and looked at them. that was when I realized that Yaku was amazed by the white roses. They were beautiful so I went up to the vendor and bought one for him. After I gave it to him, he had stars in his eyes. Alone for that, it was with it.

Later, we found the others at a stand that sold Beanies. Inuoka was buying a red one that honestly fit him pretty well.

"Did you guys buy matching bracelets?" Yaku asked them. I honestly didn't recognize them until now, but they wore matching bracelets that somehow looked like some lovers would buy each other.  "Yeah, we did. It was Yama's idea. They're pretty cool, right?" Inuoka responded while handing the vendor some money for the beanie.

I saw Shibayama blushing slightly. Of course, Yama would. Yama was totally in love with Inuoka and would probably forever. 

After that, we made our way to some book stand. Shibayama bought this one trilogy Yama always wanted while Yaku and I looked for 'two can keep a secret'. We wanted to read it since forever but it was pretty expensive and we rather waste our money on other things.

Shibayama found what Yama searched while Yaku and I just found a book from the same author and bought it. It looked interesting as well and Yaku told me that he saw the second part in the library. We would read it together, meaning one would read it aloud while the other listened. We did that sometimes.

It all started one day when we had a sleepover and he read all the time. He really loved the book so I asked him to tell me what's happening but he just started reading out loud. At some time he stopped so I took the book and continued.

The Pride Confession, yakulev (ShibayamaxInuoka)Where stories live. Discover now