Seeking Trust Pt.2

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When I woke up I was tied to a chair, and from what I could see around me I saw that the room I was being held in had dull grey walls and a dark brown door, otherwise it was empty. I was terrified. I didn't know where I was, and some strange man had taken me from what I saw as my home. I started to struggle frantically against the ropes that held me. As heavy footsteps came down a staircase, the door knob squeaked, and I froze. "Hello little girl" the man said as he came in. I growled in an attempt to hide my fear with anger. "I'm not going to kill you. I brought you here for a job I need carried out. I'm going to teach you how to live in this world, I'm going to give you a home," The man said, walking over to me. "And all you have to do for me in return, is take all that I have taught you and go do me a favor." He said bending down in front of me, so that we were eye to eye. This man was offering me a home and a purpose. Doubt about how much I actually enjoyed living on my own seeped into my mind. "I'll give you a moment to think." He said as he turned and left the room. Eventually, I accepted.

The man, whose name was Francesco, taught me to speak properly again, how to write, read, manners, how to clean, how to sing, how to fight, how to dress properly, and all kinds of things. He treated me relatively with kindness, and would talk about his son fondly when I was allowed a break. The training was harsh and I barely had any time to rest, frequently passing out while training, but I continued on for the sake of someone who had become important to me. Then one day he came up to me and said, "Du wirst jetzt Deutsh lernen lernen." I turned my head to the side. I couldn't understand a single thing he said, seeing my look of confusion he gave me an answer. He then said, in Italian, "You're going to learn to speak German now." Francesco let me live with him for two years, making me 17 when I left. No one knew about me, but he raised me, taught me, and now I would finally learn the details of the favor I was asked to do. I was taken in and trained to take the place of Francesco's son who was going to be forced to spy on Germany. After hearing this truth, the only way I was able to push on was to realize that people are quick to use others with no remorse, but I had no time to dwell on my feelings because I had a mission to do.

And here we are today. I was walking toward my job in Germany. My main job was to sit in the courtroom and document the discussions that they had. I rounded the corner of the street turning to a gloomy road. The building, where I worked, was huge and was a dull grey color fitting in with the whole street. Once inside I started to work my way through the maze of halls, while avoiding knocking into people. I had done this for two years, making me nineteen, and made it through without turning down a wrong hall or bumping someone.

I took my seat at an island table with my fellow typers. I put my bag down and waited for the rest of the community to arrive. I began preparing my typewriter as I sensed Fynn walking into the room and overing to me. Fynn had been with me almost the whole time that I have been in Germany. My adoptive parents here are also spies and they had already planned my engagement to Fynn. I didn't mind, because being married to someone on the court would give me much more information. Like he might tell me about the conversations that us recorders are not allowed to be present for. At first Fynn was against the arranged marriage, so I pretended to be against it as well. Since we were forced to spend time around each other, we soon became friends and he eventually told our parents that he was fine with the engagement. I turned to face Fynn. His short dark brown hair envied my raven locks. His warm brown eyes stared into my vibrant green ones. We looked nothing alike, but I don't think that even matters.

"Hallo Katze, wie geht es dir? Fynn spoke in German. I quickly translated it to,

"Hi Katze how are you?" And I replied saying,

"Gut und du (good and you)."

We made small talk about things like; our wedding which was in a month and about what we thought about work today. While we were talking the rest of the court came, forcing me to say goodbye to Fynn.

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