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Finn:Mom I don't wanna wake them up

Carole:We're here you have to at least wake up Quinn

Burt:Keep Beth asleep

Finn:Okay can you take her inside I'll go pick up pizza

Kurt:Okay (takes Beth's carrier)

2 minutes later:

Finn:(tickles Quinn)

Quinn:Mmmmm hun stop

Finn:We're here well were at a hotel


Finn:Everyone is inside

Quinn:Okay (kisses him) I love you

Finn:I love you too and I'm picking up a pizza


Finn:You wanna come

Quinn:Of course


Quinn:(opens the car door and throws up)

Finn:(pats her back)Hey what's wrong

Quinn:(throws up)I don't know

Finn:You good

Quinn:Yeah I'm fine babe

Finn:You sure because I wouldn't want you around B

Quinn:Yeah I don't want to risk it

Finn:Then what are we going to do

Quinn:I'll sleep in the car


Quinn:It's fine I don't want our baby to get sick and if it gets worse I'll ask my sister to pick me up


Then next afternoon:

Frannie:Quinn you look fine

Quinn:I was throwing up alright!


Quinn:I'm sorry (cries)

Frannie:Hey shhhh hold a second Quinn are you pregnant again

Quinn:No I I I

Frannie:Is it possible


Frannie:I'll pay

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