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Finally, an on-time update 😁


"Get up. Get up. Get up!" Someone who seems not to value their hands anymore violently shakes me awake.

"You have two seconds to get off if you want to keep using those hands." I say with my eyes still closed.

"Why do you always have to say scary stuff like that?"

My eyes slowly flutter open to find Korra kneeling right in front of me, staring at me with her large brown eyes.

"I will hit you. I've warned you in advance." I roll over and Sam starts to lick my face. I spring up.

"What did I do to deserve this? Sam, are you on her side now?" Sam gets off the bed and runs to Korra who unclenches her fist to reveal snacks that Sam devours in a matter of seconds.

"Good boy Sam."

"This is why I have trust issues." I yank the duvet off my legs and sit up on the bed to stretch for a few seconds. Korra watches me for a while before standing to leave.

As soon as she shuts the door, I roll back into bed like nothing happened.

"Riona I know you're not back on that bed!"

Well apparently my sister's a witch now.

I sluggishly get out of bed and into the bathroom. Sam waits outside the bathroom as I take a shower and brush my teeth. Entering the room again, I pull out the red and grey sweat suit I had on yesterday. I pair it with a pair of white canvas I stole from Asher's closet a while ago. I pocket my phone and wallet and head to the kitchen.

"Good morning guys."

"Morning Ree." Trevor answers with his eyes glued to his phone.

Korra turns around but freezes when her eyes scan on my outfit.

"You are not wearing that. Isn't that what you had on yesterday?"

"Yes it is and yes I am. Period." I sit down at the table and grab a piece of toast from Trevor's plate.

She sighs in resignation and joins us at the table.

"Okay my flight leaves in about three hours so we have to go now." Korra drags out two suitcases and hurries Trevor up.

"Why leave now? You still have a lot of time." I ask from the couch with my legs on the coffee table.

"Because we have to drop you off at dad's first. That shaves about an hour off my time. Stand up." She pulls me up and attaches Sam's leash to his locker.

"Where's Sam going?"

"Dad's allergic to dog fur so Sam's going to stay with your sweet neighbours. I already told them over a week ago so we're good till Monday." Trevor takes the suitcases out and Korra packs some food and a few toys for Sam.

"Celia and Loren? Those 'sweet' neighbours? No way. I'd rather have to drive dad to the ER every day than have my baby stay there." I pull on Sam's leash and he whines.

"Can you stop being so extra? He's staying there. Trevor's outside with the car, you can go ahead, I'll lock the door."

"Well he's my dog." I mumble under my breath and kneel to hug Sam.

"Goodbye bud. I'm really gonna miss you."

"It's just three days. Come on Sam." Korra leads him next-door.

I use the little time I have before Korra comes back to head back into my room to grab the small backpack I packed yesterday. Wouldn't want to forget that.

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