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This part may seem short. That's because this is actually the latter part of chapter 7 but it made that chapter way too long so I decided to cut it. But bare with me, it gets better 😉


"I'm surprised she isn't home yet and I guess her phone's dead, she isn't picking up." Trevor places his phone on the coffee table after trying Korra's number for the sixth time.

"Me too. She dropped me off at home and got a call from someone at work. After that she just left saying she'd be back soon. I hope she's okay." I look at my phone and the time is 9:04.

"I'm home."

The front door swings open and Korra emerges with plastic bags in each hand. She throws off her shoes and dumps the bags on the kitchen counter.

"Why're you so late today? Something happen at work?" I walk into the kitchen to help her get started on dinner.

"We had two food critics come in today and they just wouldn't leave. As the head chef and restaurant owner, I couldn't leave till they did. But I brought some food with me so we don't have to waste time on making dinner. Get the plates." Trevor starts to set the table.

Korra dishes the packed meals into plates and we enjoy dinner silently. After the meal, we all end up in the living room, enjoying a movie. Korra falls asleep on Trevor halfway into the film.

"Oh yeah I forgot to ask, did you guys go to meet with Asher's former boss today?" Sam hops on to the couch and starts to lick Korra's face.

"Yeah we did but they had a lot going on so we didn't meet with anyone. Your fiancée said we'd go next week and I have no intention of reminding her. I hate that place." He laughs as Korra wakes up with a jolt, rubbing off Sam's slobber.

"What's tomorrow?" Korra asks mid-yawn.

"Tomorrow is Thursday."

"We'll just go tomorrow. You better be ready." She stands up to check the time. Trevor and I exchange a look.

"It's really late Trev, let's get going. Love you Ree, see you tomorrow." Korra walks out with sleepy eyes, forgetting her jacket and purse.

"She must be really tired." Trevor packs their things and rushes after Korra.

"Good night guys." I call after them before locking the door.

"Ok Sam time for bed. I don't have the energy for a bath tonight." With his tail furiously wagging, he follows me into the room. He jumps on the bed first, getting himself comfortable. I change into my nightgown and brush my teeth before getting under the covers.

"Good night Sam."


The side of my face is wet and I feel a small weight on my belly. Discomfort sets in and I turn around to look at the alarm clock. It's still very dark outside.

2:41 A.M

A sharp pain shoots across my stomach and stops at my legs. I sit up and Sam starts to sniff me from top to bottom. I take a whiff of the air and something reeked but I couldn't quite place my finger on what it smelt like. As I try to lie back down, my thighs feel wet and sticky.

"Oh crap, did I pee myself again? Shoot!" I reach down and my blanket is wet and heavy. I reach under the blanket and feel my thighs. Bringing my hand up, I start to think that what I'm feeling is too thick to be pee.

With shaky hands, I turn on the lamp on the nightstand and the first thing I notice is the red liquid dripping from my fingers. I pull the covers off me completely and the sheets are drenched.

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