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"How can you say that? You are so wrong." She practically screams.

"Look, all I'm saying is that pineapples do belong on pizzas. It just brings a whole new flavour to the mix. It's black olives that don't belong on a pizza. Those things are disgusting."

"How dare you?" Korra glares at me with threatening eyes.

She picks up a pillow and hurls it at me. It hits me square in the face as she folds her hands with a smug look on her face.

"Korra can you please not start this now." I laugh and throw the pillow back.

"Oh I didn't start anything. You're the one with bad taste in pizza toppings." She throws another pillow at me but I dodge this one. It bounces off the wall and hits the ground.

"Game on." I get up from the couch as quickly as I can, grabbing 2 pillows with me and I chuck them at her before dodging behind the sofa. She laughs maniacally and heaves pillows at me.

"You'll never win!"

Ok it's official; she's crazy.

After successively throwing 6 pillows, the firing stops. I peep to see if she's out of pillows so I can quickly reload but she's no longer standing where she was.

Where the heck did she go?

I stand up as quickly as I can and start to gather pillows.

"Looking for me?" I slowly turn around to find her standing exactly where I was hiding before.

The look on her face made me wet myself a little. She's always been crazy competitive but this is just plain crazy. Before I can even move, she tosses two pillows in my direction. I dodge one but the other bounces off my belly, hitting the lamp beside me.

She stiffens when the pillow hits my belly and an evil idea pops into my head. I look at her with wide eyes and place one hand on my knee and the other on my belly. The horrified look on her face gave me more joy than it should have.

"Oh my goodness, please no." She just keeps staring and I start groaning loudly to torture her even more.

She starts to pace around the living room running her hand through her hair.

"What have I done? Oh gosh no." She runs to where I'm standing and kneels in front of me.

"Okay Riona junior, listen. You have to stay still. I'm sorry for hitting you with a pillow. I promise it's never going to happen again." A tear is making its way down her cheek and I'm starting to actually feel bad.

I can't hold it anymore so I burst in laughter holding the arm of the sofa for support. She looks at me like she's really going to kill me this time.

"Was that funny to you?" She abruptly stands up and loses her balance. She falls over the stack of pillows behind her, only making me laugh harder. As she gets up with her hands crossed over her chest and a huge frown on her face, she reminds me of when she used to throw tantrums as a kid.

"That wasn't funny Riona." She stomps her way to the kitchen leaving me alone to clean the mess we made.

As I pick up the last pillow, the doorbell rings.

"Korra can you please get that?"


Okay then.

I open the front door to find Trevor with 2 large boxes of pizza and 2 cans of sprite.

"Thank you so much Trev. I'm starving." I take the boxes from him and drop them on the table in the living room.

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