CHAPTER 3 - Colorblind Glasses

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A happy chapter for once? Woah


Barely even clothed with damp hair, you stepped out of the bathroom with a towel in your arms. After you finished eating breakfast you had quickly been ushered to begin a morning routine. While being rushed, you had only grabbed a white tank-top with black basketball shorts. Having only realized you had forgotten underwear by the time it was too late.

And so, now you awkwardly walked into the guest room so you could put on the missing parts of clothing. As you were changing, there was a knock on the door. You faced the direction of the sound, pulling up your pants (Which had been changed to black jeans/leggings.), "Who is it?"

"It's George!" The twangy voice replied. You could practically hear his smile, "Everything okay in there?"

You sighed. You had finished changing a few moments ago, so you pulled the door open to see the British male. As predicted, he had a gentle smile on his face and his eyes shone with a father-like worry. "Yeah, just needed to get some clothes on," You reassured him, your lips curling up the slightest bit. "What's up?"

George let out a sheepish laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. "Honestly? I needed an excuse to get away from Clay. He kept making fun of me for being colorblind, and it was getting on my nerves-"

It seemed like George's words had triggered something in you; this something was a memory. One from just a few hours ago last night, before you went to bed.

You couldn't help but sigh, rummaging through your suitcase for a moment. Sunglasses (You don't remember bringing those..)...

You let yourself gasp, quickly running toward your suitcase. "How could I be so stupid..?" You degraded yourself as you remembered that those weren't sunglasses - they were colorblind glasses. Your cousin's to be exact. It turns out that they didn't fit her, and you just brought them on the trip with you for shits and giggles. George, reasonably confused, walked over to you right as you pulled the glasses out. "What are you doing, (Y/N)?"

Putting your index finger up to your lip in a 'shhh' type motion, you shook your head. "I just remembered something! And that something is now a surprise for you!" You grinned widely as you spoke, holding the glasses behind your back so he couldn't see them. "Where's Clay right now?"

George thought for half-a-second before replying, "The living room.. Why?"

Offering no response, you instead pulled the Brit with you towards the living room where the Floridian sat on his phone. "You two are never gonna believe this!"

Clay merely looked up at you with confusion evident in his gaze, a small hint of amusement resting there as well. "Never gonna believe what?"

You turned back to George. "Close your eyes." Said male sighed, following the command. You opened the glasses up, sliding them onto the other's face and then fixing them so that they were in the right position. "Now open!"

He opened his eyes, gasping before closing them again. "No way.."

"Yes way!!"

Dream just looked confused as hell, and understandably so. "What is going on here..?" He looked between you two.

You grinned as you looked over at the American. "I gave him colorblind glasses!"

The room fell silent, Clay was obviously in shock, and George took another deep breath before opening his eyes again. "Woah... This is... Amazing..!" He looked around the room, the world looking completely different. So much more vibrant. He could manage to make out the reds from the yellows and the greens - even if he wasn't completely sure which one was which. That doesn't matter. When he looked over at clay, he let out a laugh. "Good to see your eyes looking like a color that isn't piss yellow, Dream-"

The other rolled his eyes, standing up with a smile. "Really? What color are they now then?"

Not appreciating the question, George hesitated for a moment. "Um.." Of course he could see the color, but he didn't know if the name for it would be green or red. "I think... Green?"

"You think?" You questioned with raised eyebrows. "So you aren't sure?"

George scoffed, crossing his arms. "Well I'm sorry, I wasn't able to tell the difference between these colors five minutes ago, let alone know their names." He adjusted them on his face, still observing the surroundings slightly. "Why do you have these anyway? Don't they cost, like, a thousand dollars?!"

Letting out a sigh, you wondered how to explain it. "They were supposed to be my cousin's glasses - my family bought them for her as a gift and it turns out they didn't fit her. I just brought them on the trip for a joke, y'know?" You shrugged, a grin on your face. "Didn't think I'd be doing a good deed for a poor colorblind man today-"

Clay placed a hand on your head. "Well, maybe us meeting truly was fate then."

You let out a scoff, rolling your eyes. "Please. Fate isn't real. It's all just a bunch of coincidences."

The other two in the room shrugged, sitting down. You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. Looking at it, there was a message from your sister.

'Everything okay (Y/N)? Are you alive?'

You smiled, responding

'Yeah, I'm okay-'

'You'll never guess who I met'

'Really? Who'd you meet?'

You snickered before replying.

'Dream and GeorgeNotFound!'

'please, like id believe that.'

You shut off your phone, turning to the two males in front of you on the couch. "Can we record a voice memo? My sister doesn't believe that I'm safe and that you're really here-"

The two seemed to share a look. Dream is the one who spoke. "Is your sister.. bad? Like, did she want you kicked out?"

Silence followed for a few moments, and you quickly fell into a fit of bubbly cackling laughter. It got to the point where you fell over just from laughing too hard.

The boys looked at each other, confused.

"What'd I say?"

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