CHAPTER 4 - Parents

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You stared at your phone for a few-minutes too-long. The message from your sister held very few, very simple words. And yet those words struck pain in your heart and nearly brought tears to your eyes. A day later from the last chapter, you and your sister talked throughout the day. She was amazed at how you managed to get picked up by Dream and George instead of some weird 62-year-old man with a neck-beard.

Seemingly noticing something was wrong as you sat on the couch silently, George tilted his head. "(Y/N)..? Are you okay?"The Brit's voice was distant in your mind, you barely - if at all - even heard it. Focusing more on the message your sister sent. She soon started texting more - things along the lines of how she was being left on read. But you didn't care, you were too focused on the words written beforehand. You scrolled up to look at it more even as your sister texted.

Clay walked close and sat next to you, peering over your shoulder at your phone. His eyes widened. "Holy shit. Really?"
"What?!" George exclaimed, looking between the two of you confused, "What is it?!"
After what felt like an eternity of staring at the message, you looked up at George to properly reply. "My parents want to facetime.."



The phone rested horizontally on a glass filled with forgotten water from a day or so ago. The three of you sat in front of the camera - Including Dream, despite how uncomfortable the idea of being on camera made him. You sat in the middle, with George on the left and Clay on the right. You were seconds away from hitting the button to call with your parents. The dreaded camera button that was so tiny below your sister's name on your EyePhone, right next to the button to call normally, and the button to edit the information on her contact.

George gently rested a hand on your shoulder. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

You nodded, looking directly into his eyes. "Yeah, I am.."

With that, you pressed the damned button, feeling the phone vibrate and the table shake as a result once you did. The noise of ringing while waiting for someone to answer a facetime was the only noise that filled the room. The tension was so thick, if it were a rope it wouldn't break to even the strongest of knives. And soon, the suspense ended as your parents picked up. The camera view of you and the two YouTubers next to you moved to a small box in the corner. There was a bit of background noise, but it quickly became unnoticed as you made eye contact with your father. Neither your mother nor your father seemed very pleased, and your sister sat off to the side in the background, only a small bit of her arm signifying she was present.

The call was silent for a second before Clay spoke first. "Are you (Y/N)'s parents?" 

They both nodded."Yeah, I'm their father. Call me (F/N)."

"I'm the mom... Mrs. (L/N) is fine."

You held back the urge to scream of how no 'parents' would leave their kid abandoned in a foreign country by themselves with no way to get back home, biting your tongue. Stay calm. Maybe things will be okay.

George nodded, not bothering to force a smile onto his face like Clay had. "Great. I'm George."

 Dream, as mentioned, plastered the fakest grin on his face. "And you can call me Clay!"

And the silence has returned, now not only tense but also awkward. It was your parents who wanted to talk, right? Couldn't they be the ones to speak? Eventually, you grew tired of it, sighing heavily. "What do you two want?"

It was your father who spoke, his voice as monotone as ever. "We're buying you a plane ticket home. We don't want to get in trouble with the police so you'll need to say that-"

Quickly, you interrupted. "Fuck no!" You spoke angrily. "I'm not doing that! Not after you called me slurs and rejected me!"

And, thankfully, George slid in as well. "And, unfortunately for you, after what we saw on the night you left (Y/N) alone... I don't think Clay or I would let you take them back."

Your mother scoffed and crossed her arms. "Well, if you love (Y/N) so much maybe you should adopt her you fucking fags!"

"Well, maybe we will!" Clay exclaimed, his fake smile long gone with an angry expression replacing it instead. He had stood up without realizing it, his fight or flight began to kick in. If he could, he'd settle for fight.

The room went silent once more, another new sort of silence. A combination of tension, awkward, and shocked silence created the heavy atmosphere. You desperately wanted to leave the room, go outside or to the guest room or the bathroom or just anywhere that wasn't here.Your mother and your father exchanged some looks. Your father then shrugged, looking back at the camera. "Fine, whatever. Just don't expect us to help when you realize how much of a piece of work this bitch is."

"Believe me, we won't."


Yeah sure, Clay had to cancel his flight back home. And yeah, he struggled to get a VISA so last minute that would allow him to be in the U.K for 6 months. But it happened eventually, and now the papers were being signed a month later. Your parents had already signed them, passing down legal guardianship from them to the two YouTubers.

But was it worth it? Absolutely!

Anxiously you watched as George attempted to find a pen. You groaned as a minute passed without him being able to find one, quickly turning over to a pencil holder and grabbing a blue pen. "Here!"

"Thanks, (Y/N)."
"Don't thank me, just sign!"
"Okay, okay, sheesh!"

You peered over George's shoulder, jumping with joy as he finished signing. Quickly you ushered Clay over, shoving the pen into his hands and moving the paper close to him. He wheezed, unable to contain his laughter at your antics.

"Don't laugh! Only sign!"
"Okay, I-I'm signing, I'm signing!" Clay barely managed to speak in between choked laughs.

Who could blame you? You couldn't help the excitement bubbling up. You wouldn't have disgusting and toxic parents anymore. You could have a functioning and loving household, you could finally feel like you could trust your family! You bounced your legs as Clay signed the papers. It was the longest 12 seconds of your life. And then he put the pen down, both males looked at you to see your reaction.

You quickly jumped up and down with excitement and joy. "YES! THANK YOU BOTH SO MUCH!!" Wanting to hug someone, you launched forward to the person closest to you - who happened to be Clay. You squeezed him as tight as you could, probably cutting off circulation to his legs. He didn't seem to mind, however. He wrapped his arms around you firmly, understanding your excitement and joy.

A huff came from behind you. "Wow, so Dream gets a hug and I don't? Rude-" You rolled your eyes and let go of the tallest, turning to George and hugging him just as tight as you hugged Clay.

"Thank you both... So much..!"

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