If you say so

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After the arrest of Michael, Jeffrey and Peter the bureau gave the team three days off; yes, they spent ten days in LA but they were working the case and as soon as they came back, they went to find those men.
Finally they went back in their office, glad they didn't have a new case.

"Wow, I missed this place so much. Not the coffee tho." Emily whispered pouring herself some coffee in the kitchen.

Rossi left his lunch - pasta - in the fridge and smiled at her.

"You know, when the BAU was born... we didn't even have a coffee machine!!" he said, making Emily giggle.

"Guys, conference room." JJ said walking in front of them, heading to the room.

« Oh God, I'm not ready. » as much as she loved her job and going to the field, in that moment she wanted to relax and prepare herself a little bit more before starting a new case.

"Good morning. Don't worry, we don't have any new case yet. But I wanted to ask you if you're ok. I know nothing bad happened, but we were literally stalked and threatened so if you need to talk or something, feel free to do anything you want." Hotch said after the team sat around the table.

"Thanks Hotch." JJ smiled and nodded her head.

"I think we haven't realized what happened yet. We will be ok, I'm sure." Rossi and took a sip of coffee.

"Well I've been kidnapped and a dude tried to cut my throat; and my ex 'boyfriend' impaled me, so I experienced worst things." Emily said giggling. When she noticed everyone was staring at her she laughed a little bit. "Guys I'm ok, this is my coping mechanism but I promise I'm fine."

The team nodded their head smiling and everyone went back to their desks; they knew she was doing well and she passed the psychological interview both times.

It was around 12pm that Emily knocked on Penelope's door.

"Are you ready?"

"Hi sweetie!! Yes, let's go. But we need to avoid JJ or she we'll ask where we're going." she said smirking. They reached the elevator hoping that JJ wasn't around and when the doors closed they took a sigh of relief.

Twenty minutes later JJ finished her paperwork and left her desk, she went to look for Emily but she didn't find her.

"Spence, where's Emily?" she asked approaching Reid's desk.

"Uhm, I don't know JJ. I saw her going to Garcia's office, maybe she's there."

"Nope. Already checked. I'm scared Spencer." the blonde said and sat on his desk. Spencer was her best friend, and even if he didn't know a lot about relationships he always tried to make everyone smile - with his stats -.

"Why?" he genuinely asked and put down his papers. He looked at JJ and he could see something was off, but he didn't know what.

"I think Emily is tired. Maybe she thinks this is not what she wants. She's avoiding me!" Jennifer said without breathing and she covered her face with her hands.

"Why would she be tired of you? You are the most amazing person in here and you are everything she's ever desired. I know you and I know Emily, she would've said something if it was the case." Spencer said and grabbed her hand. "I'm pretty sure there is a reason, and it's not as bad as you think. I can talk to her actually."

"Thank you Spence, I mean it." the blonde said and she hugged him. "I hope you're right."


Emily and Garcia left the shopping mall and went back to the car with bags in their hands.

"I hope she'll like it." Emily said turning on the engine.

My love won't let you down - A Jemily happy endingWhere stories live. Discover now