(9) One Question

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A/N- (Guys this book is almost at 1k reads!! It's growing so fast and I'm so happy y'all are liking it. Enjoy!)

~Sasuke's POV~

She freezes the moment her eyes meet mine.

There's no doubt about it- she recognizes me. It's an obvious thing- her shock that is, with her mouth open, her eyes wide, and her hands stiff.

She knows who I am.

Purple meets black as our eyes look into each other's- holding so much more meaning than the blonde could ever imagine.

She's just as I remember.

Despite our familiarity with each other nothing is said. Silence is the only thing that looms over us, but not in our eyes- no, our eyes hold endless streams of unspoken words.. unspoken questions.

There's no mistaking it, her beautiful orbs hold the same look they did that day, and I hope more than anything that her mouth doesn't hold the same questions.

Naruto can't know, and neither can she..

"W-we should be going." I whisper, my voices laced with obvious nerves. Without another word I grab Naruto's hand and walk out of the building, my eyes hesitating to spare another glance.

Her mouth opens and her hand reaches out, but the doors close before she can utter a word. My heart clenches at the scene and I look away, making sure to avoid the oblivious blondes eyes at all cost.

Her hand reached out for me, but it's gone the moment he throws me in the car..

The thought made warmth and panic burn as one, effectively making me even more shaken than before.

It's getting harder and harder to hide..

I can't let her ask questions. I'll avoid her at all cost and if we do meet I'll act as if I know nothing, as if nothing she suspected was ever true.

That was the only way I could keep the cover.

She can't know, no matter how much proof she has.. No matter how much I want her too.

"Yours hands are so small Sasuke.. and cold." Naruto teases and I snap out of my thoughts, looking down with confusion. My face redens as I see my hand still holding his and attempt to let go.

He immediately tightens his grip and starts walking. "I'll just have to keep it warm until we get to the restaurant." He smiles and I look up with wide eyes, I couldn't bring myself to decline though..

"O-okay." I whisper and he smirks in response, leading the way with our hands intertwined. I know I should have said no, but the feeling of his hand enveloping mine was too serene.

'It feels like a puzzle piece.' My mind echoes as I stare at the tangled fingers. My hand feels so perfect in his that it almost feels as if they were magnets.

Like a perfect puzzle.

His hand was so large in mine- so different, I notice as I look at my pale skin in contrast to his tan.

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