Chapter 1

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Zeus hit his fist against the table, leaving a deep indent in it. Everyone around jumped.

All the gods, camp Half-blood and camp Jupiter were gathered around the table in the big house for an emergency trial.

"Where is Percy Jackson? This is his trial after all. He is being trialed on accusation of Bullying, violence and murder, and he's not even here to defend himself?"

"He killed my son!" cried Hades, standing up and knocking over his chair.

This cry was echoed around the table, as campers and gods nodded their heads in approval of Zeus' and Hades' statement.

"Somebody fetch him, NOW!" Zeus yelled. "I don't have time for dishonourable, betraying liars like him. PERCY!"

There was a flash of light and Percy appeared in the middle of the table. He was lying with his back towards them, his black hair falling over his face.

One of the campers reached out and pushed him, violently, so he was facing them.

There was a collective gasp of shock around the table. Sticking out of Percy's midriff was a long, silver and bronze knife. A pool of blood surrounded the wound. His orange shirt had turned a dark, sticky red.

A small cry of pain escaped Percy's white lips as he groaned from the sudden movement. A pulse was beating in his neck, but his eyes remained closed.

"Who is responsible for this?!" cried Zeus as he stared at Percy. "He was meant to be kept in full health for his trial! Only then would he be able to feel the pain of his punishment. Apollo, heal him at once"

Apollo stretched out a hand for Percy's chest and pulled out the knife, but then recoiled in shock.

"No no no no..." he muttered, staring at the knife."I can't heal Percy. He has been stabbed by Kronos' cursed knife"

Many people gasped, but none of them looked very sorry.

Zeus turned to Iris. "Show us what happened!"

"I'd rather show it from the beginning." said Iris. "I'm quite curious to find out what turned this boy into a murderer"

"Very well, but make it quick" replied Zeus. "I want to get this sentence over with."

*** (Ps guys, when you see this it means the iris message has changed)

Percy was out on the shores of long island, arms swinging at his sides, accompanied by Tyson. Percy was listening to Tyson as he told him all the details of their time apart. He was in the middle of an enthusiastic description of Poseidon's Palace's wall thickness, when he stopped and pointed his nose to the sky.

"What is it?!" Percy asked quickly.

"That thing, it smells funny." he replied, his eyes on the sea.

"What thing?" Percy said in surprise, looking in the direction Tyson was looking. But the sea looked calm and still.

"That thing." said Tyson, pointing. There was a tiny dot on the horizon, that certainly wasn't big enough to be a monster of any real danger.

Percy summoned a wave to bring the thing ashore. It wasn't a monster, It was a boy. He yelled in surprise and shock and started pulling him up onto the sand.

"No, brother! Don't touch him!" said Tyson. "Smells funny."

"What are you talking about? It's a guy! He's not a monster, we have to bring him ashore!"


The Iris message changed to the boy Percy had found, lying in the infirmary. Chiron and Annabeth were standing over him, Percy standing just behind.

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