Chapter 7

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Lexi's POV

I saw Percy drop to his knees beside a girl with blonde hair who was lying on the floor. I could see the pain on his face under his hood, and though I felt remorse for the girl, I also felt a twinge of disappointment. Did Percy know this girl well? Had they been close?

I kept dropping Percy hints that I liked him, but like the seaweed brain he was, nothing was getting through that thick skull of his. No matter how close I sat to him at the Chaos table or how many little complements and tips I slipped him, there was no response at all. He still saw me as a little sister. I was stuck firmly in the friend zone and it was going to take some serious work to get out of it.

I knew that Annabeth girl had noticed something though. She kept shooting me evil glares and threatening motions, and jerking her head possessively in Percy's direction as though to say, keep back, he's mine.

But no matter how she glared, I was just enchanted by Percy. The way he moved, his sweet nature, his strength in battle, his hair... oh wow.

I was just the crazy one. To be honest, I liked being crazy, and it wasn't going to stop soon, that's just what I am, but it felt like I was being judged. I was the one in the corner, the pit stop.

Percy, Nico, Luke and Adalind were the dream team, working sinuously to kick evil in the nuts while I taught eight year olds how to hold a bow without dislocating their shoulders.

I was brought back to the real world with a jolt as a warm hand landed on my shoulder.

"Hey Lexi, are you OK? You look out of it."

It was Percy. Though his eyes were full of sadness and grief, he put on a brave smile.

Like always.

"Who was she?" I whispered, casting my eyes over the motionless figure on the floor.

"Katie Gardner, daughter of Demeter. She had been Travis Stoll's girlfriend for four hundred and sixty seven years. They were the only couple not to break up apart from Frank and Hazel, and they're at Camp Jupiter."

 I gasped in horror. I had never met any of Percy's old friends, but he had told me a lot about them. I  couldn't believe I had not recognized Katie from all of Percy's descriptions. My heart curled in shame.

Percy was still talking, and I looked up at him as he said,

"...suspicious. Two attacks in one day. We rarely get attacked at all, and we had no protection. The hellhounds could get through the barrier and the vines appeared inside. What should we do?"

He looked at me, and I could see desperation on his face. This was his home and I could tell that the attacks were upsetting him as much as anyone else.

I thought about everything I had been through in the army.

"First," I said thoughtfully, "We need lookout posts around the camp in case of another attack. Morning and night, twenty-four hours a day. I'd say there should be at least one Chaos warrior keeping watch at a time. We also need to find possible links between the attacks. I suggest we call a meeting to discuss ideas."

Percy smiled, and I felt myself melting under his grateful gaze.

"I knew you'd have the answer." he said softly.


 Percy's POV

I headed off to the big house with the other four and we took seats around the long table. I looked around, seeing more familiar faces like Nyssa, who had obviously taken over the role of counselor in the absence of Leo, Clarisse, looking as murderous as ever, and Butch from the Iris cabin. I noticed he kept shooting Clarisse furtive looks out of the corner of his opalescent eye.

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