Chapter 11 part 1

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Lexi's POV

-2 days later-

I was so sick of it.

Sick of all the death happening around me. Sick of people falling like so many bowling pins and we didn't know who was rolling the ball.

This was a sort of sickness I had never felt before. Sure, I had seen a lot of death. Hated it, too. But we always knew who was behind it. We could always put a stop to it.

But not now.

I felt so... angry, at everything. Argh! It was just all... I can't even right now!

I was even angry at Percy.

Why hadn't he noticed me by now? I had made so many hints, nudged him and sat close to him, not one reaction.

Was it another girl? Annabeth? Was he still cut up about her?

But surely not.

I felt the tidal wave of anger inside me draining away slowly, the desire to punch something in its smug punk face dissipating.

Wait, Punk face?

I had never called anyone a punk before.

Just as I took a deep breath and calmed my unusually frazzled nerves, I heard a voice behind me.

"Hi there, could you show us where to go?"

It was a soft, musical voice that reminded me of fresh spring water. I turned to see a beautiful girl standing in front of me, with thick red hair in a plait over her shoulder and dressed in white jeans, trainers and a top that said 'Flame on'.

Beside her was a boy wearing a shirt that must have once been white but was now stained brownish with oil, braces, a belt with several large pockets which was holding up a pair of baggy jeans, and some scuffed trainers. He had wild, curly dark hair and south-american looking skin, with rather elfish ears.

Before I could say anything, a large cloaked figure with sea green wings shot past me at the speed of light and embraced the boy like a brother.

I recoiled in shock. I know I was an alien and all, but how did everybody know everyone freaking else? Slightly creepy, if you ask me.

Squirming under Percy's embrace, the boy said, "Sorry, but who are you?"

Percy was grinning, and I could see his eyes were reflecting shock and excitement at the same time. He looked elated.

"It's Percy." He said quietly, before turning to hug the girl standing next to him.

Facing the girl, Percy had his back to the boy, and I could see his dark eyes widen in astonishment at Percy's wings.

"Shit, Perce, when'dya get..."

But before he could elaborate, Percy clamped his hand over the boy's mouth.

"Call me Ash when we're in public, Ok? My identity's kinda a secret right now. I'm supposed to be dead." said Percy. He tried to keep his voice low and calm, but a strange emotion seemed to be cracking it.

"ASH?!" The boy practically screamed. "As in, the guy from Pokemon???"

"If you like." Percy sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in an annoyed way.

The girl turned to me, smiling at my bemused expression.

"Hello." she said, smiling at me. "I'm Calypso."

For a second, I saw her eyes widen in shock at the sight of me. I couldn't imagine why, maybe it was my eyes. People often got surprised when they saw what a bright orange they were. I was about to look properly into hers when a voice from behind me said,

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