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Hey Peoples!

I'm really sorry this isn't an update, but I have some exciting news.

I have decided to create a competition to make the best cover for The Winged Warrior. We're getting closer and closer to the end of the book, and I'd love to see one of you guys send in a really great picture.

I designed the current front cover myself, and it isn't all that great. I will keep it on, but if anyone thinks they can make a great cover for this book, please email me at nutmeg223344wattpad@outlook.com (don't judge the stupid name, ok?) 

The competition will close on the 1st of October 2015. I'm looking forward to changing the settings on my book with pride :)

I love you guys so much and I am so grateful for the dedication you have shown through all my stupid mistakes and long update gaps. This book has come further than I EVER THOUGHT. You are amazing <3

I hope you guys can make a cover that'll sum up this book. It has been a major part of my life for a while now and I have only you readers to thank for that.


Catgirl xxx

ps: I KNOW OCEANUS IS A TITAN. I decided to keep it, don't ask me why but hey, there are so many comments now it doesn't really matter if I change it. please stop telling me. PLEASE. (<3) :)

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