Jordan and Kai

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*it starts in a stereotypical therapy office*

Kai: *looks at Jordan* I thought you were doing better?

Jordan: *raises a brow, and smiles* I WAS doing better, but then my daughter started being a brat.

Kai: *lets out a dejected sigh* All children are brats to their parents, don't worry about it, you'll get used to it. I'm sure that everyone feels this way at some point. My daughter Maggie used to be a lot to handle but now she's really sweet.

Jordan: *irritated* I don't think you understand KAI, my daughter has medical bills piling up, I have NO job, AND my daughter is a brat. Why should I even continue taking care of her?

Kai: *looks at Jordan knowingly* Listen, it's worth it because once they grow up, once they have accomplished the things you never could, that you couldn't dream of, you become amazed by your child, and as the person who raised them you have to be a bit proud.

Jordan: *rolls his eyes* Sure...that's all well and good, but you don't have a daughter with OI who complains about everything. She is never going to accomplish anything, I don't know what happened. Her mother was so kind, and brilliant...where did Parker go wrong.

Kai: *still in social worker mode* Now Jordan, I understand your frustration but at this time in your life, you need to focus on controlling your anger and rebuilding your life. Your daughter has missed you, and it is your responsibility to be there for her. I have full faith in your abilities *doesn't look him in the eyes* to be both a father and a calm and rational person.

Jordan: *stares at the ceiling, lying down on the couch, dejected* That sounds like a lot of pressure, I've done a lot of things in my life that I am not proud of, and I want to do right by my daughter, but I feel like I will fail. I know that she has no REAL expectations for me since Corbin is...well....a drunkard...but I want to do the best I can for her.

Kai: *taps his finger against his chin thinking, and then comes to a realization* You have a daughter with OI, right?

Jordan: *nods his head* Yeah, so what?

Kai: *smiles* Why don't you take her hiking I've heard that it's good for people with brittle bones disease to exercise?

Jordan: *amused, thoughtful* Hiking...hiking could be good...yeah...maybe...she would like hiking? Or maybe not. *shrugs shoulders indifferent*

Kai: *confused* Yeah, I mean she might find it strenuous at first, but I think she'd like spending time with you, her father. You need to establish a relationship with...

Jordan: *cuts Kai off* YES! That's a brilliant idea, I'll take her camping and...I get it...we'll bond. *stands up as if to leave*

Kai: *pits up his hand to attempt to stop Jordan from leaving*


Kai: *tries to make calming gestures towards Jordan who is clearly upset* Jordan..Jordan...Jordan...JORDAN *once he gets Jordan's attention he makes motions for him to sit down* That is not what I am saying, I think you will be an excellent father, but you need to make preparation. You need to plan, you cannot just take your daughter with OI hiking without the proper tools.

Jordan: *raises a brow, ignorant* Tools?

Kai: *looks at Jordan like he's a fool* You need to bring water, a first aid kit, a hiking staff, and pager in case she gets lost and the phone doesn't work. You probably need more items than that, but you can ask the bait shop owner for any recommendations.

Jordan: *huh?* Pager? What the hell is that? Is this the 1920s, I will make a list I don't need you to tell me about what to bring. I'm a man who can think for myself, do you think that just because I was in prison, I'm stupid. *He clearly thinks that he's a strong, independent felon*

Kai: *shakes his head* Actually, pagers were invented in the 1940s. *he's also wrong about the decade but he doesn't realize it*

Jordan: *frustrated* SHUT UP! I don't care when they were or weren't invented, listen I'm going to leave this office. And you know what?

Kai: *looks indifferent for the first time ever* What? What are you going to do Jordan, are you going to violate your parole, are you not going to talk to me anymore, how 'sad'. I've really become fed up with your bullshit. I've been so nice, I've been understanding, but you know what you SHOULD leave. Have fun with your daughter, while YOU go hiking.

Jordan: *laughing* Okay then Kai, I'm going to leave you a two-star review on yelp. Then you won't be able to get any customers.

Kai: *amused* Understandable, now please leave. Our time has ended.

Jordan: *sighs, heads towards the door* Bye...Kai...I'll see you after the camping trip *looks kind of dejected*

Kai: *unsure*'s time for you to leave...get out?

End of scene three 

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