Corbin and Lopez

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Corbin: *sitting at the bar*

Lopez: *walks into a bar, spots Corbin and walks over* Hi Honey, I'm home.

Corbin: *laughs, a little tipsy* Where have you been? The kids *motions towards the twenty shots in front of him* have been awful.

Lopez: *sighs, and grabs Corbin's hands, and motions for the bartender to stop giving him drinks* Is this about Parker again?

Corbin: *nods his head, pauses, and shrugs* I guess's just, Parker... her medical bills have been piling up and I'm struggling to pay for them. I love her, but I think some part of me resents her. *tears stream down his face*

Lopez: *concerned, pulls him into a hug* I know...I know, listen one day we will be able to live a life together, a life without Parker, without medical bills, without anything stressful holding us back.

Corbin: *raises a brow, confused, still tipsy* What do you mean without Parker? She's my niece, she's always going to be involved in my life?

Lopez: *thinking about how to phrase his next sentence* Listen, Jordan's back so maybe you won't have to take care of her anymore. You can be free...

Corbin: *Laughs* Jordan can't take care of anyone, his wife died, then our parents died, then he went to prison, he's useless. He's worse than I am, and look at me I'm at a bar, with a man who I'm in a relationship with, but I can't even be open about it. Aren't we both pathetic sitting here, next to each other, with each other, but unable to be there for one another. *passes out*

Lopez: *depressed, but also fed up with drunk wisdom Corbin* Corbin...Corbin? Corbin? CORBIN!!!!!

Corbin: *startles awake* Yeah...and I love you too...Elias

Lopez: *happy but confused* I never said I love you? I mean...I do?

Corbin: *throws up*


Scene 4: Part II

Lopez: *stares at the cleaned-up Corbin, with love and disgust; picks up the phone* Hi, yes I'm calling for my dry cleaning, yes I'm the one with the bright purple had vomit on it. Yes? Well, why do you want to know why the stitching is gold? I don't care if you think it looks ostentatious, I just want it cleaned. No, I may wear it again you can't keep it. I don't care if someone vomited on it.

Corbin: *starts to wake up, confused* Elias? What's going on? What happened?

Lopez: *annoyed* Silence! I'm on the phone with my dry cleaner, because YOU threw up on my 2,000 dollar suit.

Corbin: *amused* You should stop wearing such expensive suits, honestly you know how I shouldn't expect so much from me.

Lopez: *grows more irritated, and stalks towards Corbin* You are saying that it is too much to expect you, the man that I love, to not throw up on one of my 2,000 dollar suits. Do you think I should find someone else that won't? Honestly, you are lucky that I'm still here, do you know the lengths I am going to just to make...

Corbin: *repentant* I'm sorry, I know that I've been awful for the last couple of years, but I want you to know I love you. I appreciate you it's just...Parker is so much to handle

Lopez: *looks lovingly at Corbin, raises a brow, and looks determined* I have a plan.

Corbin: *confused* A plan?

Lopez: *smirks* You said Jordan was seeing a movie with Parker right, let's have someone convince him to go camping. Then we can create a story, a story where Jordan is the villain, and Parker is the victim.

Corbin: *convinced* Tell me more.

End of the scene 

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