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"Prisoners of the Ark, here me now. You've been given a second chance."

THE WORDS echoed in her head. It was all she could envision as the luminous light above her beamed, blinding her to see nothing but white. It took all the focus she had to keep her eyes up, to not look around her. She wanted to black out, to slip away from her reality and as much as she tired she couldn't. As a result, she concentrated.

Annabeth knew what her circumstance was, the continuous drones of the machines were a permeant reminder. The irons on her wrists and ankles scrapped into her skin at every spontaneous flinch. The needle, a stinging apex which transported a anesthesia that engulfed her veins. The adolescent was as desensitized as the sedative that circulated throughout her system.

She was capable of hearing them, the doctors that circled her. Regularly jabbing and prodding her as if the teenager was a rat. In a way, she was. Their individual, special, research experiment. The dusky haired girl had lost count of how many occasions they had entered and left. As a matter of fact, she had lost count of how long she'd been there. It could have been only a day, a week, a month - nevertheless it seemed to transform into an timelessness.

In the beginning Anna challenged them, shattering forward against the confines that detained her. She had mastered to score her grip on a scalpel and wedged it within a surgeons collar. It was that day, the juvenile considered losing entire confidence regarding escape. Anna had dashed to the entry prior to a guard charging in and extra repeatedly arrived. The physicians and their bouncers consistently there perfectly when Anna speculated she'd be liberated.

The flickering crimson speck overhead was their telltale, her forewarning from pursuing freedom. Anna became aware they were observing her, a camcorder implanted to the wall above her, along with each one of the intersections of the room. They wanted to learn all about her, on a intimate level.

The interrogations occurred, always, unaltered-

"Can you tell me about yourself?"

"Do you know who you are, where you came from?"

"Can you tell me your name?"

The sufferer, Anna, never acknowledged their existence. Nonetheless, the specialists endured. No matter what. Assuming, that perchance, later, Annabeth would ultimately yield and answer. The young women had believed that they would eventually come to the conclusion, that she was not going to speak with them; maybe, they would withdraw from her altogether.

Her eyebrow twitched as the all too familiar creak of a glass hatch opened, it was the cabinet that retained the indigo elixir. Anna would look fixedly at it when they were absent and it was just her and the young girl in the room. It had two clear cupboard doors, allowing the gadgets inside to be identified. Cylinders of plasma coated the lower rack, all with minuscule alabaster stamps plastered to the front of them. The shelf above it had basins and machinery, pointed equipment that held blades to lacerate skin and even cartilage. Still, it was the primary shelf that petrified her the most, it held the voiles that made Anna disappear altogether.

The injection would cause her to lose herself; she had zero control over her behavior or understandings, it was as if a whole unfamiliar side of her would awake. A side, that she didn't know she had. It was gruesome and constantly needed one fixation, destruction. It made her want to dismember anybody nearby her and torment also herself. Anna despised the indigo elixir and yet, she found a microscopic side of her yearning for it. Granted, she would eventually develop into this furious individual, it made her enjoy the power of it all. Her strength would triple in proportion, if not more. Each chance she received more she could notice the influence deep-rooting inside her and spreading in her mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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