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Raine had always done as she was told, never misbehaving or acting out against her fathers words. After all, he was all she had ever had in her life. Her own mother had died in childbirth, a rare occurrence and yet, that had been the case. She had grown up on the Arc like everyone else, taking favor in the politics that surrounded the metal ring.

Her father was a council member and they told each other everything. Including, the secret of the air failing on the arc. Raine knew she should have warned others to try and save people, but her father had made her promise not to say a word. He even told her about the plan to send the 100 to the ground, of course, she didn't know that that would include a particular brunette boy. Atticus, had been her best friend ever since Annabeth had gone to the skybox.

The two had bonded over their love for electronics and the ways of the Arc. Ever since they were kid's they had been close and than when Atticus's dad was floated, she'd been his shoulder to cry on. Raine was always there for him and he in turn for her, even if she never had problems. Atticus has always joked that Raine had the perfect life.

When Atticus has shown up drunk at her doorstep, Raine had been the one to nurse him back to health. She still remembered that night as clear as day, it had been one of their last nights together :

Raine was sat at her dinning table, the one that sat next to the bunks, hard at the task in her hands. Her dad had managed to tear a hole in his uniform, yet again, and Raine had offered to mend it for him. It wasn't anything big, just a small patch would cover it and luckily enough, they still had a few left.

A loud bang rang out through the room, causing the young teen to jump and prick her finger with the needle. She yelped and placed the finger inside of her mouth as she turned towards their door. When the sound came again, Raine pushed the clothes away from her and made her way towards the doorway, hitting the button for them to slide open. With her finger still in her mouth, she watched as the metal retracted from their stationary position and opened to reveal a disheveled Atticus.

He was slumped up against the wall and a tin bottle swayed in his hand as he gave a wave to the girl. Concern flared inside the girls head and she quickly grabbed him, getting hit with the stench of alcohol. Which had meant he was upset, Atticus only ever drank when something was bothering him. It was rare, the last time he had been this bad was when his dad had been arrested.

Her brown eyes scanned the halls, making sure no one had seen the drunken boy. The last thing they needed was someone coming to arrest him right now. Raine hit the button to close the doors as she made her way inside with him, sitting him down in the chair she had just been. Pulling up a new one, she sat in-front of him as she timidly asked, "you wanna talk?"

Atticus rolled his neck as he thought over her question, he looked around the room and than gave out a breath, "dad gone tonight?"

"Uh," Raine nodded her head, "yeah, they are planning something major."

"Ahh," Atticus nodded before taking a swing of his bottle and than leaning in to whisper, "to save the arc?"

"Atticus," she reprimanded, "I told you about the arc after you promised never to say anything to anyone."

"I haven't," he sat up and held up his hand, "scouts honor."

He was stalling, she knew that. It was his thing, he never wanted to let her in on his problems. He didn't want to taint her and drag her down with his issues. She was so innocent and pure in his eyes, the light.

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