Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

“Edward?” I called from the top of the stairs of our cottage.

  “Yes?” In less than a second he was right beside me, a cold hand resting on my cold shoulder.

  “Will you please wake up Nessie? She won’t get up when I ask her.”

  Edward smiled my favorite crooked smile and walked into our daughter’s room. “Nessie dear?” I heard him say in a quiet voice.

  Life has been so much, fuller, since I met Edward. Yes, we’ve been through many things, but our love has never failed. And Edward still can’t read my mind. I laughed to myself, knowing he would hear. Everyone, but me. I should be so lucky.

  I heard a creak coming from Nessie’s bedroom upstairs. She finally got up. I glanced at the clock. “Edward, Nessie is going to be late for kindergarten.” I said with a normal volume, since there was no need for yelling.

  “Mommy?” My daughter called from her room.

  I walked into her room, and saw Edward sitting in a tiny pink chair in the corner. I turned the light on. “Yes?”

  “Help me pick out my outfit for school!” Renesmee giggled and bounced out of bed, still in her Tinkerbell pajamas.

  I smiled. “Sure. How about that dress Aunt Alice got you yesterday?”

  She grinned. “The purple one?”

  “Yeah, with those little white flats that match.”

  “No no no! Bella, you know I love you, but what is wrong with you?!” Alice screeched, suddenly in the room.

  I saw Edward pinch the bridge of his nose with his thumb and finger.

  “How did you even get in here Alice?”

“I have my ways,” Alice smiled, “but I saw what you were going to make her wear!”

“I wasn’t forcing her to wear anything, Alice. I was helping.”

“I can’t see how that is helping.” Alice mumbled under her breath.

“I heard that.”

“Oh, I’m still not used to you being a vampire. I mean, all I ever see now in my visions is you, but still.”

Edward stood up in one swift moment and cut us off. “Okay, Alice, you get Nessie ready for school, and Bella and I will be downstairs.”

He didn’t give me time to protest, he gently took my hand and walked downstairs. I didn’t mind.

“She may be my favorite sister, but she gets on my nerves sometimes.”

I laughed, “Sometimes?”

Edward turned his face towards me and laughed too. He sat down in a giant white plush chair and patted his lap for me to sit. I obeyed. Even after however many years, I still get butterflies.

“What’s on the agenda for today?” Edward asked, smiling at me. He wrapped his arms around my waist securely.

I thought about that for a second. “I’m not sure.”

He grinned. “We have a few hours alone while Nessie’s at school…”

I laughed. “Alone? In this family?”

“Well that’s true. But still.”

I chuckled. “We have the whole night, Edward. I think I want to practice with my shield.”

He sighed, then smiled. “I can’t wait for the day when I can finally read your mind.”

I smiled, too. “For more than a few seconds.”

“Yes, that.” Edward leaned his forehead on mine. “I love you.”

“Oh really?” I laughed, “I never new that.”

Edward smiled his crooked smile. “You and your sarcasm.”

“You and your annoying mind-reading.”

I opened the door of the main house and walked in from the cold.

“Good morning, Bella.” Esme smiled from the kitchen. “I’m making some after school snacks for Nessie.”

I smiled at her hospitality. “I’m sure she’d love that, Esme.” I hugged her gently, and sat down on a stool, watching her cook.

“Does she like spaghetti?” Esme’s voice is so soft. One might think it was patronizing, without knowing her.

“Who wouldn’t, if you make it.”

“Aw, Bella, I’d blush if I could.”

“Tell me about it,” I laughed. “I bet Edward misses my blush.”

“Where is he, now?”

“Hunting with Emmett, Jasper, and Carslile.”

“Why aren’t you with them, honey? Don’t you need to hunt?”

“I think I have a few more days. I wanted to practice my shield today.”

Esme’s face lit up. “How are you, with that?”

I smiled. “I can stretch it about fifty feet.”

Esme clapped. “That’s amazing, Bella. Your progress is fantastic!”

I would have blushed, if possible. Esme really is like my second mother. “Thank you, Esme. That means a lot.”

“Mommy, I’m home!”

I stood up and walked into the living room. “Hi, sweetie.” I bent down and hugged my daughter. “How was school?”

“Good. But Johnny ate my animal crackers!”

“Don’t worry squirt, I’ll teach him a lesson.” Emmett said, walking upstairs. “Hey Rosalie!” And he was gone.

Nessie giggled. “Mommy, Uncle Emmett is weird.”

Edward clapped from his seat.

“I heard that, squirt!” Emmett boomed from upstairs.

I love my life.

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