Chapter 47

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Evening Sun

Chapter 50

I was sitting on a light gray plush chair in the living room, and my eyes wandered to a picture of my daughter and Jacob, when Nessie appeared to be around five years old.  His strong tanned arms held her against his chest, as she slept against him.  His adoring gaze at my daughter was so heartwarming; but it brought back too many bad memories.  Memories of my dear Renesmee.  

Memories of when I was still a newborn, and I watched my best friend imprint on my daughter.  I clearly remember the look in his eyes, and when I glanced at her, I saw the loving emotion in her eyes stare back at him.  Somehow, I knew he just imprinted.  I remember being furious and with my baby in my cold arms, I screamed at him, and wanted so badly to just kill him right there.  The end result was Seth Clearwater with a broken limb.   I remembered, when Tanya told the Volturi that I had created a newborn vampire.  But alas, that was the last thing I ever wanted to do, after that horrible massacre with Victoria.  And the glassy eyed Aro arrived, with his followers.  I chuckled to myself, remembering the irritated Jane when she realized her power couldn’t effect me, or the other members of my new found family.  I remember placing my necklace on my baby’s neck, and her soft words making me want to cry, if I could.  I hated placing her on Jacob’s back, thinking she would be gone forever, living as Vanessa, instead of Renesmee Carlie Cullen.  But I knew she was safe with him, and always will be. I corrected myself.  Would be.  

Edward’s sweet scent filled my nose and I heard his light footsteps heading towards the cottage.  I looked up, and tucked a piece of my dark brown hair behind my ears.   My husband appeared inside the door.  “Hello, love.”
“Edward.”  I simply acknowledged him, with a glum tone to my voice. He sighed, and came to sit beside me, placing me on his lap.  “Bella,” He copied my sad voice.  He leaned towards me, and presses his cold lips against mine.  “Mm.”  He mumbled, pulling away about an inch.  His cold breath ran onto my face, giving me chills.
I kissed him back of course, and put my hand over his, which was placed gently on my waist.  I whispered lightly, “I miss you.” He chuckled and pressed his lips against mine again.  “I miss you too, love.”  He pulled away, and sat me on the arm of the chair, keeping a hand on my thigh.
“No... don’t, go...”  I whispered, sliding down onto his lap again and placing both of my cold hands on the sides of his neck.  I missed his love.
I could tell by his voice that he was smirking.  “I’m not going anywhere.”  He pulled his face to mine and kissed the top of my head, down to my neck.
I sucked in a light breath and trailed my hands into his soft hair.  “Don’t leave me... ever...”  I whispered.   “I swear I won’t. I’d rather die, than leave you.”  He said confidently, and pulled me closer to him. I smiled slightly, and kissed the side of his neck once.  “I love you.” “I love you more,”  Edward said, pulling his lips back to mine and kissing me harder than before. Slowly, I felt myself getting distracted.  I clenched my hands on his shoulders, on his shirt, wrinkling it in my hands.
“I think we should...”  He mumbled in between kisses.  “Take this up to our room.”  
Nodding quickly, I moved myself so that he could easily pick me up.  

As if he needed any help.

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