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The students of Cobra Kai were all gathered in an abandoned parking lot with Johnny standing on top of an old car

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The students of Cobra Kai were all gathered in an abandoned parking lot with Johnny standing on top of an old car.

Hawk and Nicole didn't talk much after the date, but the two were still standing next to each other, their hands grasped in each other's.

"You've trained hard!" Johnny yelled down to all of them after taking a sip of beer. "You've gotten stronger, tougher, faster. You've done your best. You're ready for this tournament, am I right?"

"Yes sensei!" They all yelled back to him.


He threw the beer can down at them, students stepping aside trying not to get hit by it.

"Your best ain't shit! If you wanna win the All Valley Under-18 Karate Tournament, you gotta give me better than your best. Which is why from now on, you're gonna get my worst. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sensei!"

"Are you losers?"

"No, sensei!"

"Are you nerds?"

"No, sensei!"

"Are you sure?"

"No, sensei!"

Johnny put his face in his hands and Nicole shook her head.

He had them do training, running through tires. destroying things around them, crossing a bridge with sharp medals underneath.

For the last test, Johnny used a dog whistle, a bunch of dogs running after them.

"Fuck! Nicole, come on!" Hawk grabbed her hand, leading her along with him.

She let go of his hand and did a flip over a car, and reached her hand out to help him, until a large dog ran at them, Nicole screaming and running away from the dog and Hawk.

After class, they all went back to the dojo, getting ready to leave for the day.

"Hey, sunflower, where are you going?" Hawk asked when he was ready to leave.

"I'm going home because Grandma's visiting." She explained to the boy.

"Do you really have to visit your grandma?" Hawk asked.

"Hawk, it's my grandmother! I don't know how much time I have left with her, of course I have to spend time with her!" She exclaimed.

"Fine, but, I'm coming over later."


"See you." He smirked then left the dojo.

Nicole rolled her eyes and grabbed her stuff to leave.

"Hey, Curly, where you going?" Johnny called after her.

"I've gotta go home, Sensei. My grandma's visiting and—."

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