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There she stood, barefoot in her cute white strapless mini-dress, offering me all I'd ever wanted and I was too fucking scared to take it. What if this ruined everything? Our friendship, our chance at something real? What if someone found out? I was not even divorced yet, although we were legally separated and the divorce papers had been filed. But how could I say no? I knew what I was doing here. We both did. The anticipation was fraught with equal parts fear and anticipation. I could see her chest rising and falling rapidly, giving away her own feelings, and yet despite that, she stepped forward and onto her toes, reached up to slide her tiny hand into the hair curling at the nape of my neck, pulled my head down so that she could press her lips to mine. There was one split second where we stayed just like that and then it was like someone shot a starter pistol to let us know it was time to begin. I grabbed her face with my hands and kissed her hard and deep and she opened her mouth and let her tongue battle mine in a war of passion. My heart was thumping like a kick drum, my blood was rushing through my ears like a bass line, her breathy moans were like the melody in this sensual symphony. I wanted to scoop her up like a Victorian hero and carry her off to bed. I wanted to fall to my knees and kiss her from her toes right up to the tip of her pretty head. I wanted to stay here and kiss her for the rest of my life. Once again, she made the call, tearing herself away, gasping, and spoke in a breathy whisper.

"Will you come upstairs with me?"

I silently thanked the universe that Sinu had been called back home leaving the house to us, as I held out my hand. Without hesitation she placed her own into it and I held it gently as we climbed the stairs. At the first landing I pulled her against me and kissed her and then I gave into my romantic inclinations and picked her up in my arms, carrying her the last flight. I knew where her room was even though I'd never been in there. I lay her on the bed and she looked up at me, her arms over her head, her lips parted, then slid off and stood with her back to me.

"Can you unzip me please?" she asked in a throaty voice. I would have done anything she asked. I slowly pulled it down and let it drop to her feet. She only wore a nude coloured thong so from my view she was pretty much naked. I was so aroused, I was scared if she turned around I'd totally lose it. I stepped up so that I was pressed against her, sliding her hair back and exposing her neck. I slid my lips along it, nipping gently looking over her shoulder at the view of her naked breasts. I slid my hands down her arms and she took my hands and placed them over her. I closed my eyes, losing my breath. As I caressed her she leaned her head back and I kissed her again, or rather she kissed me. We kissed each other. She turned around and began unbuttoning my shirt, then when she was done she pushed it over my shoulders and arms and pulled it off. She ran her hands over my chest as if it was something she had wanted to do forever, then I felt her hands at my belt. I took a quick breath. Her hands there would find out how ready I was for anything she had in mind. She stilled at the discovery. I wondered if she'd step away, if she'd change her mind, but she didn't. She stroked me gently through my pants and I thought I was going to die.

I stepped back and she looked a little shocked and upset, then I unbuttoned and unzipped and pushed the rest of my clothing down and off until I stood naked. I picked her up, again, and laid her on the bed, again, then knelt before her, sliding that scrap of lycra down her gorgeous tan legs until she was as naked as I was. I stroked my hands back up her calves, they felt like silk, and then I pushed them open, kissing her knees, her inner thigh and then between. She moaned and I took that as encouragement, slowly and softly coaxing her to a loud and enthusiastic explosion. I had never been so intensely turned on just from giving a woman pleasure before. I wanted to please her, I wanted to make her scream like that for the rest of my life. The satisfaction I received just from the act of giving was intense.

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