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The banging seemed to have slowed, but my heart hadn't. It was racing, hard, like I'd just sprinted 100 metres. And then I heard something.

Was that humming? I listened intently. Was she humming to herself? That was a happy thing, right? So was she happy about leaving? Or was I fooling myself, and she was just damned happy?

And then she started singing. It was a song she had written for her new album, a love song, a perky, happy, sunshine and flowers love song. About us. It sent shivers down my spine as I listened to the first two verses and the bridge and then I started to chuckle. She was adlibbing a third verse that didn't exist, and it was naughty and contained references only I would get, and I felt the muscles in my shoulders relax. She was happy. Whatever was going on, she was happy with us.

I opened the door and leaned on the jamb. She was wearing...what the hell was she wearing? Was that the lingerie I was going to give her the night of the proposal? I had kicked the box under the bed in LA, but she must have found it and packed it to bring home. I looked around and saw that she had closed the curtains and shutters to the late morning sun and she had lit candles and placed vases of flowers everywhere. Sunflowers. Different room, familiar setting. She turned and saw me and jumped a little, startled, her mouth forming a perfect 'O'.

"What are you doing?" I asked with a smile. She grinned at me and tossed her hair over her shoulder. Fuck she looked hot. The sheer white lace babydoll pyjamas looked even better than I had imagined. She put her hand on her hip and gave me a sassy look.

"What do you think?"

"Isn't it a bit too early in the day for these kind of shenanigans?"

She laughed. "I'm sure it was you, Shawn Mendes, who told me there is no wrong time of day for those kind of shenanigans!"

My grin couldn't get any wider. "I'm sure you are right. Ok then." I pulled at the towel and let it fall.

Her eyes dropped and she looked back to my face and raised a brow. "Well, you don't mess around do you?"

"Why do I feel like you had other plans?" I asked, walking towards her.

"Oh, they can wait," she breathed, squealing as I picked her up and threw her on the bed, crawling over her.

"Where were you this morning?"

"Shut up and kiss me," she giggled.

I lowered my head to her neck and began to nibble as she sighed, her eyes falling closed. I made my way to her lips and nibbled at those as well. She slid her arms up behind my neck and enthusiastically participated in the kiss. God I loved this woman.


This was NOT how I had planned this morning, but the look in his eyes when he saw me, and then when he dropped the towel......every thought I had just fled. I loved that he could do that to me. Now he was dropping tiny kisses down my throat to my breasts, which he had revealed by pulling down the barely-there lingerie and I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the feeling of his lips and tongue, until he moved to my belly and then further. I took a deep breath as he slid the matching panties down my legs and smiled to myself, and from then on it was just sensation. I gripped his curls with my fists and arched my back as I began to whimper, feeling the tension build and build until I exploded. Before I could even get my breath back he had moved up and over me and I wrapped my legs around him and guided him home. We were face to face, staring into each other's eyes, panting.

"I love you so much," he said, his voice breaking. I was shocked at the emotion, it was as if he was on the cusp of heartbreak. I touched his darling face with a frown.

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