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We waited, but Cassandra Li didn't call that night, and it was nearly midday when we dragged ourselves out of bed and ordered food. Any plans of going out to lunch were dashed when the manager and Andrew both called to tell us there were press camped outside the hotel waiting for us to appear. We were pretty much trapped here for the time being. I could think of worse things than being trapped in a luxurious hotel suite with my hot boyfriend, like waiting to be charged for a murder you didn't commit.

We ate in silence, watching a Disney movie, snuggling on the couch. Andrew popped in to make sure we were OK, and he was there when the phone call came from Cassandra Li. The police wanted her to bring Shawn in for questioning in the morning, but she wanted to speak to us first, so early the next morning, we were up and dressed in clothes suitable for the occasion and waiting her arrival.

When Andrew let her in the suite, I was struck again at how beautiful and put-together she was. She wore a dark red suit today, with another white shirt, and her hair was a long silken black fall held together in a clip at her neck. She opened her briefcase and pulled out some papers.

"OK, I don't have much news on what to expect. We know about Gigi Van Kamp, but not whether she has been located, and we know about the pub Tyler drank in but not what they got from the bartender. So be prepared for anything. Detective Harris will no doubt try to trip you up, but as there is nothing to trip over he is barking up the wrong tree. Tell him only what is relevant and answer his questions without offering any elaboration. I'll keep things on topic. Let's go."

I stood up and she turned to me with a sad smile. "Camila, I know you want to be there to support him, but you won't be allowed into the interview, and with all the media attention, we've arranged to take him in through the basement carpark, but it would probably be better for you to stay here."

I felt my heart fall to my feet. I couldn't just sit here, alone, waiting to find out what was happening.

"No, she's coming with me. She might have some insight into Nicholson that could be useful for the investigation. Anyway I'm not leaving her here alone." Shawn spoke firmly and his expression brooked no argument.

"I'll look after Camila when we get there, but I agree with Shawn, and as far as the media is concerned, it is better she be with him."

Cassandra looked around at the three of us and then sighed. "OK then, well let's go."


"Mr Mendes, thanks for coming in, please take a seat," Detective Harris said. He had removed his jacket and wore a long-sleeved tee with his shoulder holster over the top. Once again a uniformed cop stood at the door. Andrew and Camila were waiting for us outside, it was just Cassandra and I. "Ms Li, good to see you." He flicked her a glance that seemed to encompass her whole body. She met his gaze coolly and to my amusement she returned the inspection with a raised brow. I think if he could have blushed bright red he would have.

He cleared his throat and sat down, shuffling some papers in front of him.

"So are you going to get on with it Deakin, or are we going to sit here all day?" she asked in a bored tone.

They started by confirming my personal information and then where I was on the night and who with, the times I arrived and left the bar. I had been through it all with them before but I just answered and Cassandra gave me an encouraging smile.

"So, you say it was about three am when you left the bar, alone, to walk home?" he muttered, reading through his notes.

"Yes," I replied.

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