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Mama was chattering in the limo back to the hotel. I didn't think we'd ever get out of the studio. Everyone wanted to chat, and what could I do?

"The hotel was full so I had to book a suite, it was either that or the penthouse, but it means we can share a room, it has two bedrooms," she was saying.

"What?" I asked, my heart sinking. How could I sneak off to see Shawn if Mama was there?  We had lucked out in LA for the awards, but looked like karma was coming back for revenge.  I picked up my phone and saw his text from earlier giving me his room number and asking when we were leaving.  I took a deep breath and sent a reply.  I just couldn't see how it was going to happen.

"Who are you texting?" Mama asked.

"I....oh...." she never asked things like that. I was at a loss for words and she chuckled.

"Is it Shawn? Isn't he here in New York somewhere?"

"He was upstate, at a recording studio."

"Was? But he is in the city now?"

She was way too smart.

"Yes." I said, waiting for the storm to erupt. "Actually, he came to surprise me at the airport but the studio car had already picked us up."

Mama looked at me speculatively. "That's a lot of trouble to go to for just a friend."

"I don't know what we are Mama, maybe we're more than that now, it's complicated."

"So where is he now?"  We had arrived at the hotel and the porters were collecting our bags as we walked toward the reception desk.  We were interrupted by the Manager who was happy to see us and said he was looking forward to seeing the show when it aired later.  I thanked him for his kind words and he insisted on escorting us to our suite. Mama was yawning as we finally closed the door on him, but I was still hyped from the show and the thought of Shawn just upstairs.

"I'm just going to order room service and eat it in bed," Mama yawned again. "I think I will watch one of the episodes on my laptop with my headphones on then turn in early. I don't think I'll wake until morning, and I feel like I will sleep like the dead. I won't hear a thing all night."

I stared at her, frowning. What a strange lot of information, I thought, and then I saw the glint in her eye and realised what she was saying.

"Oh, OK Mama, I'll see you in the morning then!" I kissed her on the cheek and waited until she closed her door then ran into my bedroom. I had a quick shower and slipped into the soft yoga pants and cropped tee I had brought to wear to bed, because I had no other choice of clothing for one, and for the other, I didn't expect to be wearing them for long. I brushed my hair and slid lip gloss on. I'd removed all the thick makeup I wore for TV before leaving the studio, I hope he liked me fresh faced!  I slipped my phone into my pocket then headed to the penthouse, my heart skipping like a stone across a mountain pond.

The text from Shawn had given me the passcode for the elevator and after I entered it, the door closed and it rose smoothly up the two floors to the penthouse.  What I didn't expect was that the doors would open directly into the suite.  I stepped out and looked around, but Shawn was nowhere to be seen.  There was an entry, a living area, dining room and glass doors opening to a huge deck. Bedrooms opened off the living space and double sliding doors were open to the master bedroom where I could see Shawn's luggage, but he wasn't there.  A wave of disappointment hit me. He must have gone out, to have dinner I suppose, he could have gone anywhere, but he knew I wasn't coming and maybe he was angry or upset.  I stood in the doorway to the bedroom looking at the huge bed and the mood lighting and the wall of glass windows looking out into the city.  We could have been in that bed together.  My mind was suddenly bombarded with scenarios of what could have been.  I was so deep in my fantasies I didn't hear him walk out of the master bath. He hadn't closed the door, there was no need for it when he was on his own really.

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