Why am I writing this book?

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Why am I writing this book?

I concluded to myself and professed that after my first nonfiction book and my first novel, I would not write again.

I had already joined the largest ever society of authors. Guess which society? Bet you wouldn't think of it. The society of failed authors. 😂 Okay, okay. Not funny. I am a clown more than a comedian. Sick joke. But seriously, a society means a group of people with a common goal or experience. It need not be a registered society. Thus, a society of failed authors exists. Failed in the sense that money is lost and not made. Yet, maybe not true failure in a philosophical way. If our book or ebook helps just one person or changes one person's perspective, it should be considered a success.

Why the heck did I start writing again? Well, a near death experience wakes you up and you had better do anything you want to do because you may not get another chance again.

I am still 'old school', thinking that whether it is a novel, a self-help book, or a nonfiction book, there should be a moral in a 'true' book.

So I am writing this as a part biography, part reflection, part advice/self-help to myself; other doctors; and patients, part closure to experiences I have had, and to come to terms with life itself. We are always in a constant search for the meaning of our existence (some of us anyway). 

I hope the journey into my mind and reflections are enjoyable.



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