Episode 5: This is Halloween

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A couple months had gone by and by now I was completely done with Craig and had made some new friends and of course I was still fucking with John B. 

This week was halloween weekend and Theresa was gonna come up to get a taste of the college life. 

"Did you want anything while I was still here?" She texted me. "No bitch just hurry up and get here!"  Now my school was known for their halloween parties and I couldn't wait to experience what everyone has been talking about. 

My girls and I were gonna dress up as the purge. This was the second year I had done this costume because Theresa and I had done it senior year, but hey who gives a fuck. By now my crew was made up of Me, Alexis, Vanessa, and Olivia. We had met Olivia because her and Alexis were fucking with the same nigga. Crazy right? they thought if they would join forces and become friends he would feel some type of way, but jokes on the both of them that nigga just went and got a new bitch. 

Now I  was still friends with Kierra she understood me more than my crew did, but she said Alexis gave her weirdo vibes and didn't want to be around her. So she was a friend that I'd link alone. Thinking back at it, I should've listened to her, but don't worry we'll get there. 

We got to the party and the shit was packed I mean I couldn't even roll my blunt if I needed to because there was no elbow space. "Mmmcchht. I knew I should've rolled my shit before" I said frustrated because I couldn't roll. Eventually I did what needed to be done because hey yall know who I am by now right? 

The party was lit and there was fine niggas everywhere. "Bitch that's John B" I said pointing to a pointing to a big black man with "SECURITY" on his shirt. See Theresa had heard all of the John B stories but she never seen him in person. Y

 See John B and I were fucking, but he never forgot to remind me that nobody needed to know. Which is crazy because I know the football team knows. "Yeah girl thats him, but I'm not gonna speak." I replied.

The night went on and we did what college girls do. Drink, Smoke, Beer pong. "Hey bitchessss" We heard from behind us, seeing Rachel with her roommate Ashley. Although Rachel gave crackhead vibes she was mad lit and I knew from the first night I met her I should keep her around. "Yeah I'm ready to go" Alexis said turning around from something that seemed to disturb her. "Oh shit!" Vanessa screams being super obvious that something is going wrong. Alexis rolls her eyes. I turn around to see Olivia and Alexis's old nigga walking into the party with his new bitch. "The motherfucking nerve." Olivia says. I kept quiet because see this was all funny to me.  See remember when I told yall that everyone fucks with me. That was  meant niggas and bitches too. Raz the antagaonist in this little love triangle had been venting to me about Alexis. 

Yeah I know. I'm fucked up, but I'm nosey as fuck and Alexis been lying to all of us so that shit ain't even matter. Alexis use to make herself seem like she was this respected ass bitch. 

"I made that nigga wait 90 days before we fucked." She would always say.

 Now I didn't know if she was throwing shots at me because I let JB fuck the first link or if she was secretly throwing shots at Olivia. Either way Raz said they be fucking like rabbits. "I'm lost" Theresa said slurring her words. We all laughed. "Maybe it's time to go." Rachel says. 

I wasn't ready to go though. I wanted to keep my eye on JB. I mean were not official he's doing his thing and I'm doing mine right? The truth was that I want JB on a level he didn't want me. I should've known a Junior would never date a freshman. 

We proceeded to walk to the exit. 

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