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So its been two days since I told my friends that I was moving and they all seemed to take it well. They seem to take it so well that their throwing me GOING AWAY party.


Im so excited that I cant wait, but there's only one thing thats bugging me, is my best friend coming? Ever since I told her she took it worst then the others and ever since that day I haven't talked to her, I mean I've seen her around school but that's it. This afternoon im going to try and convince her to get out the house and come to the party, but I think I know how that will turn out....

*After school*

I saw Tay today but she ignored me. Everytime we passed in the hallway  she just brushed me off without saying hi or anything. Ok this is not going to work, I thought. Finally convinced, I'm going over there tonight, and she is coming to my party whether she wants to or not.  She's my best friend I'm not going to let her do this to herself.

I'm not going to lose her just because my stupid parents are making me move.  So I got into my car and drove to her house.

As I finally arrived, I got out of my car and walked to her front door and knocked. The door opened to reveal Mrs. Hemminson.

"Oh hi darling, how are you? I heard the news, you're moving that is so sad to hear. You and our little Tay has been best friends for years." She said brightly as usual.

I smiled sadly at her. "Yes ma'am, I'm moving and speaking of Tay have you seen her?"

"Oh yes I have she just got back not to long ago, she's up in her room. Ever since she heard you was moving she hasn't been in the best mood." Mrs. Hemminson said.

"Yes ma'am," smiling politely. "Just let me figure out what's wrong."  I said.

As I headed to Tay's room, I knocked but I didn't get an answer. I knocked again but no answer. I walked in curiously and concerned.

"Tay?" I called out. I looked around to find her walking out her bathroom.

"Yeah?" She said not looking up.

"Hey Tay" I said. She looked up surprisingly and what I saw shocked me. She looks like she hasn't got any sleep at all looking at the dark circles under her eyes.

"Tay are you ok?" I asked worryingly.

She scoffs and laughs bitterly. "My best friend is moving and you ask me if im ok!! Yeah I'm perfect all rainbows and daisies over here." She said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry Tay, but I have no control over this. Hell! If I had a choice I would stay here with you but I cant." I said

"Maybe if you tried a little har-" Tay said.

I scoffed. "What you think I haven't?! I tried to convince them but they won't listen." I snapped.

"Look, I didn't ask you to come over here." She said.

"I'm sorry okay, look you're my best friend even when I move no one could ever replace you."

"Oh that's BS AND YOU KNOW IT!!" She shouted.

Now I know what's been bothering her so much she thinks I will replace her. "Tay I've already told you you're like my sister. No wait you ARE my sister no one could replace you EVER."

"I don't believe you!" She said coldly. I looked at her in shock and hurt.

"What?  How could you not?" I said.

"What do you mean "How could you not?" I have every reason not to believe that!! If I were your best friend you wouldn't lie and keep secrets you always do that Brianna! You don't lie to your best friend  Bri!!" Tay shouted.

"I'm sorry Tay. I didnt know you felt that way but if it makes it any better I guess I'll be on my way."  I said sadly.

"Well I guess you should." Tay said.

"Well you should know my party starts at 7:30pm if you want to come. And you should know that I will ALWAYS be your best friend no matter what happens."I said And left the room.

*At Home/Party*

When I got home I looked at the clock and decided to get ready for the party. I jumped in the shower. When I got out I curled my hair and did my make-up. When I finished that I proceeded to put on my dress. (Picture on the side----->)

When I was finally done my mom walked in and said "hi honey, me and your father is going on a short trip we'll be back tomorrow evening."

"Okay."  I said.

"Bye sweetie." She said.

"Bye mom."

And she and my father left. A few minutes later the doorbell ringed. Oh that must be them, I thought. I walked downstairs to the front door and I opened it to the Devon and his girlfriend Kaitlyn.

"Hey guys! Come on in." I said.

"Hey Bri!" They said in unison. And this routine went in for the next 20 minutes. So all in all their were a total of twelve people which were Tyler my ex/other best friend, Cameron, Destinee, Jasmine, Chloe, Tracy, Devon and his girlfriend Kaitlyn, Jacob and his date Kim,  and the twins Michael and Lucas.

"LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!" Michael shouted. As he claims himself to be the "party animal" he can be quite dumb and dense sometimes but we love him.

Everyone laughed, and said "YEAH!!"

"Hey I'm going to get the drinks and food someone start the music.

"Need help?" Tyler asked.

"Sure come on." I said and smiled. We walked to the kitchen.

"So how are you doing?" Tyler asked.

I looked at him and said "I'm doing fine."

"Really?" He asked skeptically with his eyebrows raised.

"Okay fine I'm not okay. I don't want to leave. I want to stay here this is my home. I dont want to leave you guys." My eyes started to water.

Tyler walked over and gave me tight hug and said. "Hey no crying everything will be fine, don't worry about us." He said reassuringly.

"But I'm worried about Tay she's not handling this well."  I said.

"She will be fine. You know how stubborn she is, she'll come around eventually."

I nodded. "HEY!! Where's our food woman!! You and Tyler better not be having a hot and sweaty make out session around our food!" Lucas shouted. Me and Tyler laughed and walked out the kitchen.

All night we laughed, talked, danced, and played around. The only person we needed to fit in our equation was Tay. And all of a sudden the doorbell ringed.

"I'll get it." I said.

"Yeah its your house of course you'll go get it." Jasmine said in a duh tone.

"Hahaha, shut up." And I stuck my tongue out at her and left to see who was at the door I was surprised at who I saw it was Tay.

She smiled. "Hey Bri." I stayed quiet still shocked.

"I am so sorry about everything that I said to you I was talking with my emotions but of course I know you're my best friend and cant help thay you're moving. And I love you, you're my best friend and sister." Tay said. She was so emotional.

"I know Tay. I'm sorry too." And I pulled her into a tight hug. As I let her go, I smiled, "Come in and party with us." I smiled evilly as she walked in and said " Welcome to the darkside."

She laughed and said "Thank you haha."

And this night I have to say was memoriable.

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