Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Why did you not let Jules and Yaslin remain? Do you not care for them?" Aglaesha asked softly as she wiped at the blood on his face with a warm damp cloth. Con shook his head.

"I care for them, of course I do. It is just... only you could comfort me properly."

She kissed him softly. "I am sorry, Conlaed."

He shifted slightly. "Thank you for getting a bath prepared. I know I should not have them often, but it helps the pain. And I must admit it is kindly to have a warm bathe in the coming of Winter." Conlaed shifted slightly and sat up. Aglaesha's cheeks reddened as her eyes ran over his bare chest. He grinned meekly and leaned toward her. She kissed him fiercely, wrapping her arms around his neck. "You're going to get your sleeves wet," he mumbled, pulling away. His future queen laughed and watched as he leaned back in the bathtub. There was no trace of rage, of hurt on her face. Maybe she had been right - they were repairing, little by little.

He was still sick at the thought of the truth that stared him so bravely and cruelly in the eyes. Con shuddered at the memory of the vision. When he had told Aglaesha of the enchantment, her face had turned green. It seemed Queen Tenna was viler and more despicable than he could have imagined. Maxum thought I was his son... he never knew the truth. Never knew I was not his true heir. He imagined his father - or uncle - lamenting wherever he was imprisoned. The very knowledge that Conlaed was the one who would have to reveal the true conception of his birth was mind boggling. I must kill my own father to rescue my false one. I must forsake my father to save my uncle. What kind of son am I?

He considered never telling Maxum of the truth when he was freed. I would be just as bad as Tenna or Hanrick, then. I am better than that. Still, there was always the chance the King would cast him away as a bastard when he learned the truth. The very thought of sacrificing so much for a chance of abandonment was unbearable. Con almost wished the Fey had been lying. He imagined forgetting about the claims, accepting his false father's death. Con knew he would be living a lie. He knew he was a coward if he renounced the deal with the Fey. Besides, he could not be certain a promise like his could be broken, anyway. It was magic.

"Con, I know this is certainly dreadful timing..."

The Crown Prince looked up at his bride-to-be and outstretched a hand. She smiled sadly and took it. "Tell me," he said. His heart ached, but he would listen. Conlaed would always listen to Aglaesha from now on.

"I found a book - a book on magic. Well, the magical happenings of the Isle. I- I have it here. If you want to see, of course. It's called 'The log of peculiar and magical happenings of the Isle of Maidora'."

She drew an enormous volume out of her Mage robe and flicked through the pages. Con leaned over the edge of the bath and stared down at it, careful not to let any droplets fall upon its ancient pages. Aglaesha had opened to a page with a hideous picture of a human-like creature surrounded by the shadows and faces of the dead. A chill crept down his spine as he read the label: Wraith - most devious and wicked of the Fey. Can transform into those they killed and those with stronger power can sometimes give visions of the dead to others. Kill on sight - do not make deals with them.

"This... where did you find it?"

"The Mages' library. I thought it could come in handy - we might find some answers."

Conlaed nodded slowly. "Answers - yes. We need all the information we can get. I do not want any more unwelcome surprises."

"That's exactly what I thought," Aglaesha replied gently. Con smiled at her. She is just fabulous. In the light of the yellow candles, the Mage looked aglow. Her silvery blonde hair shone glossily like strands of moonlight and her cheeks were rosy. Con was almost dumbfounded as he took her beauty in. How he managed to get her to accept his proposal, he would never know. The prince's voice was husky as he said, "Show me more of this book if you please."

Honour or Reason - Book 1# in the Burning Prince ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now