Chapter Thirty-Three

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"Why are you here?"

The crow stared at him as she glided about him. Rage rose in his chest whenever he met the bird's eyes. The condescension in them was sickening. Brilyn was holding a small sharp splinter in his shaking hand.

"Why did you come back?"

For half an hour he had been demanding answers from the creature as he attempted to hold back furious tears. Over the years Brilyn had become an expert at hiding his sorrow; it became harder with each passing day. It became harder each minute he was with Zoysia. The bird continued to circle him, silent. Bri roared in frustration and hurled the splinter at the bird's wings. In an instant there was a shower of gold sparks and Zoysia stood before him, hand locked around the tiny missile.

Brilyn was taken aback. Her grey eyes had dark shadows smudged beneath them and her cheeks were wet. Her skin was pasty and her hair fell in messy curls around her face, like she had fallen through a canopy. Zoysia's robe was not white, but obsidian black. Her tunic beneath was violet, much like Aglaesha's healing robe. Bri stepped back, grief knocking the breath from him. Zoysia edged closer. Her voice was thick with sadness as she finally replied, "I had to come back, librarian."


Brilyn knew her answer but it frightened him even more to hear the truth from a friend. The past day he had hoped against hope that Jarete had lied, that Aglaesha was alive and Conlaed was still in the castle and that his friends were somewhat safe. The expression on Zoysia's face crushed that last small hope. The shifter moved forward and said, "Aglaesha is dead, Brilyn. She drowned. Someone murdered her."

Bri fell to his knees, heart broken all over again.

"So, it is true then."

Zoysia knelt down before him and took one of his hands. "Her funeral is this morning. Just after dawn."

Tears sprang to the scholar's eyes as he rasped, "What of Conlaed? Is he safe?"

A shadow crossed the shifter's face. "Conlaed went missing two days ago. After he murdered Nathair."


Brilyn covered his face with his trembling hands. Bile rose in his throat. His ears began to ring, began to sting. Bri could feel the floor moving beneath him, like a hole had opened up. He wanted his shadow to swallow him but it would not come forth. A strangled gasp left his lips as warm skinny arms wrapped around him. Zoysia's shoulders fell up and down as she sobbed. "Brilyn..."

He wrenched himself out of her grip, tears running down his cheeks. Brilyn's body shook with wrath as he said, "All it took was our friend to die for you to come and see me. Poor crazy Brilyn! We should come tell him his best friend died and then abandon him all over again! HUZZAH!"

"Bri, that's not true - "


His voice was high and manic, which did not help his promise of a stable mind. Brilyn did not care anymore. He thrust a hand toward her. "JUST GET OUT! BREAK YOUR BLOODY PROMISE AND BLOODY LEAVE!"

"Brilyn, please. Let us actually talk about this - I was too impatient last time, you were in hysterics..."



Both of them fell silent. Zoysia gave Bri pleading eyes and held a hand out to him. The scholar scoffed and rose angrily to his feet. Nose in the air, Brilyn stomped to the pile of shredded blankets and sat down indignantly. He couldn't think clearly. Seeing her again set each of his nerves on fire. On one hand he wanted to throw her into the wall with his shadows, on the other Bri wanted to run to her and hold onto her forever. Brilyn wasn't sure which would serve his purpose better. Neither.

Honour or Reason - Book 1# in the Burning Prince ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now