Chapter Thirty

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Aglaesha woke to Zoysia staring worriedly down at her. She blinked tiredly and sat up slowly.

"What are you doing here?"

Zoysia's eyes were troubled as she answered, "It is about Brilyn."

Aglaesha flinched in surprise and seized her friend by the arm as she gasped, "Tell me." She was not sure her heart could deal with any more pain. Still, she listened willingly. Aglaesha was not used to seeing Zoysia so hopeless. It was the only way to describe the Mage that stood before her. The shifter's hair was wild, like she had run her hands through it over and over. Her skin was pale as milk, her face flushed with despair.
"I had to abandon him."
"What do you mean?"
Zoysia shook her head. "He ... he told me he has magic, Aglaesha. I'm afraid he is mad."
Aglaesha covered her eyes with her hands. This is not how this was supposed to be. Bri should have been rescued by now. He cannot be mad. Her voice shook as she replied, "Are you certain he does not possess magic?"
Zoysia laughed bitterly. "Don't be stupid. He said he had neither Mage nor Enigma powers. He is mad."
The Mage racked her brain for some explanation of Brilyn's odd behaviour, his claims. There had to be something true in what he told them. If he was indeed crazy, there was a method to his madness. There had to be. The Guardian, his upbringing, his family... HIS FAMILY!!
"What if he is Fey?"
Aglaesha cringed as the theory burst out of her lips. Somehow it made sense. Zoysia blinked at her. "Not you too."
"It makes sense," Aglaesha said determinedly, "Bri never told us of his parents or family... he may be only half Fey - it could be why he hates Fey so; his Fey family sold him to Jarete... who he claims is evil!"
Zoysia's face was translucent with worry; the shifter's hands had begun to tremble, her eyes were wild with guilt. Aglaesha reached out to her friend and carefully squeezed her hand. "What is it? You look as if you have seen a ghost?"
The other Mage turned to her and said uncertainly, "Perhaps you are right, perhaps you are wrong. Either way I feel horrid. If he is a Fey like you suggest, then I broke a promise and deserve a flogging. If not, then dear Brilyn is out of his mind."
Aglaesha nodded slowly, chest tightening. Too much. This is all too much. She saw Zoysia go to add something grim, but Aglaesha was tired of her friend's grave ravings.
"My father died yesterday- Con murdered him."
Zoysia's jaw dropped with horror. She sat beside Aglaesha and pulled her into a suffocating hug. The other Mage did not care - it was the only comfort open to her at that moment. She held onto Zoysia as she sobbed that Lorrie had no knowledge of the murder, that Conlaed did it to save her, that Bri was not with them to give them his comforting presence.

"What are we going to do?"

"I don't know Aglaesha, I just don't know."

Aglaesha released herself from the hug and slowly rose to her feet from the bed. Her heart was heavy as a stone as she wandered into Con's book room. Zoysia followed without a word. Pieces of a puzzle floated around in her mind as she stared confusedly at the prince's bookshelves. Something in her gut urged to find something. Something incredibly important. She walked in a slow circle, drinking the room in. At the back of her mind something was crying out that she needed to recall something. Something that would help them solve at least one mystery. Aglaesha needed to win something. The gods could give her one piece of joy, could they not?

Suddenly, her eyes spotted a thick, dusty volume resting upon the ground. Her heart skipped a beat. Of course. How could I be so stupid. Aglaesha snatched up the ancient book hungrily, heart racing now. The Mage turned to Zoysia and said, "I am going to the Diamond House."

"I suppose I am too, then," the shifter replied with a grin. Aglaesha did not return her smile.

"No - I need you here. Well, sort of."

She began to march toward the door, when Zoysia grabbed her arm. "What is that supposed to mean?"

Aglaesha smiled grimly. "I want you to see Bri again. Check that he is alright."

Zoysia laughed coldly. "Don't order me around, Patrifice. Until I know that Brilyn is actually sane, I'm not visiting him - if you didn't know, seeing your best friend out of their mind is not a pleasant sight. Why don't you see him yourself?"

Aglaesha sighed tiredly. There was no point arguing - Zoysia was hot-headed and irrational. She shook her head at the shifter and answered calmly, "I must study this book. I am certain there are some answers within its pages. Perhaps I will visit Bri afterwards."

With that, she turned on her heel and marched through the door. She was still dressed in the same garments of the day before and the bandage the physician had applied around her blistered and broken hand was sticky with sweat, although thankfully no drops of blood seeped through. Still, Lady Aglaesha walked with dignity and prowess. It was early morning, so the castle was empty, save for bustling servants. As she passed through the halls, she kept her eyes peeled for Jules. She planned to have him summon her whenever Con returned - hopefully before evening as he promised her.

She did not see Jules.


The sun was setting when she read page 1091. It was phenomenal. Heart-stopping. It was going to change their world. Aglaesha rose to her feet, head spinning. Conlaed, Brilyn... she had to tell them. She had to tell Zoysia Brilyn was telling the truth.

Aglaesha ran out of the library, tears of wonder and joy and amazement running down her cheeks.

She went to tell her friends they were going to change the world.


She was running through the woods beyond the castle walls when she came to a clear stream. The sight was lovely. The waters were crystal blue, with golden fish swimming around the enormous river stones across the middle. Wildflowers grew on the grassy bank, butterflies fluttering frivolously about their bright petals. It was serenity itself. Aglaesha smiled blissfully.

Her heart raced with excitement and her steps were shaky with determination as she clambered upon the river stone path through the stream. Just as she went to clamber onto the largest of the stones, a sound from the trees startled her and she fell into the shallow water. Shivering, she rose to the surface to see familiar brown eyes staring at her. She smiled kindly.

"Thank goodness it is just you!"


Honour or Reason - Book 1# in the Burning Prince ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now