Chapter 5:Meeting king bob.

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As you and Spineli were walking over to king bob from talking to hustler kid you decided to break the silence.

y/n:so how is this king of yours?

spineli:he's fine but sometumes he is kind of a jerk.

y/n:Well as long as he isnt abusing his power right?

spineli:Yeah thats definitely good.

y/n:so what do you guys play at recess mostly.

spineli:mostly sports but we like kickball mostly.

y/n:really?! man I love kickball!

spineli becomes joyful when you say this.


y/n:Yeah its the best I used to be the champion at my old school.


You two then make it to a gigantic rusty playground.

spineli:Well this is old rusty, this is where king bob sits.

y/n:ok welp here goes nothing.

spineli:want me to stay with you still?

y/n:Nah just in case if im not approved or anything.

spineli:ok well I'm gonna go play kickball for a while.

you climb up the playground to a yellow platform where you see a kid with a red sweater and glasses and a kid with a green sweater but he didnt have any glasses.

those must be his servants or nobles.

you then also see a few bodyguards and then you see what should be king bob sitting in a throne with a toy crown with a B painted on it in Red.

bob:Ahhh you must be the new kid.

(btw thats how I'm gonna adress king bob just bob)

y/n:yes sir I am, you can call me y/-

bob:hold on, im gonna have to stop you right there.

y/n:uhhh ok.

bob:Your name is what I want it to be ok.

y/n:uhhh ok.

bob:so I name you....hmmmmm.....New kid.

y/n:nope sorry i-I dont like that name.

bob:to bad.... Oooorrrr you can battle two of my bodyguards for your actual name... And my approval of recess.

you thought about it for a second and you said.

y/n:ok lets do it.

bob:very well.

king bob points to two of his bodyguards and says.

bob:Jacob and Alex you will battle him.

(I just made up those names btw).

Jacon and Alex:very well sir.

bob:New kid go to the sand with my bodyguards and get ready for a battle.

y/n:very well.

as you are walking to the sand one of the bodyguards tells you.

Alex:listen man we dont have any type of grudge against you its just the rules of recess.

Jacob:yeah were cool right?

y/n:Yeah were cool,no hard feelings.

you all shake hands until king bob grabs a megaphone and yells.


as you are at the sand with the bodyguards ready to fight you see spineli,tj,mikey,gus,gretchen,and Vince looking at you with worry.

spineli:WAIT NO STOP!!!!

you look at her and say.

y/n:heh,dont worry guys I got this.

as king bob stomps on his platform and Alex charges you.

as you stand still Alex tries to clothesline you.

you yhen grab his arm lift it up and trip him and shove his face in the sand.


spineli and her friends look at you in shock and Spineli smiles.

The other bodyguard Jacob charges you but you spear him and pick him up and slam him on the floor and put him in a fish hook leg lock.


Jacob cant withstand the pain and he taps.

King bob grabs the megaphone again and yells.

Bob:JACOB IS OUT!!!!! Y/N WINS!!!!

everyone starts chanting your name as ling bob steps down on the sand and says.

bob:You know how to handle yourself kid,how about ypu become one of my bodyguards.

you look over to spineli and she looks sad along woth her friends you turn to king bob and say.

y/n: Nah maybe in the future.

bob:whatever you say kid you have earned approval of recess and you have earned your name.

y/n:thank you sir.

the bell rings and you all go inside.

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