Bloody Jerk!

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Shanaya Oberoi

I just parked my scooty in the parking lot and was headed towards the hospital when I heard someone yelling my name.

I turned around to see that it was Myra.
She came jogging towards me and said
"I still don't understand why do you choose to ride this scooty all by yourself to the hospital when you have cars lined up for you in your mansion."
Myra asked rolling her eyes.

"Ohh come on Myra not this conversation again! I've told you a numerous times that I don't want anyone to know that I am Rajveer Oberoi's daughter." I said and she rolled her eyes again.

"I quite enjoy this freedom. I don't like those bodyguards lurking around me 24/7." I said making a face.

She just laughed at me.
I entered my department and then as our daily routine we went towards the HOD's cabin to greet her.

"Good morning Dr. Kapoor ma'am." We all greeted her. So, I am a 2nd year post graduate student in Gynaecology department.
I have 3 collegues. We are total 4 of them in this department.

"Good morning. We have 3 deliveries lined up today. I hope you will get the preparations done on time, Shanaya." She said to me as I was going to assist the ceserrian delivery today.

"I'll start with the preparations right away." I said to her and she dismissed everyone else except me.

"Dr. Vinay Sharma will be performing the surgery. I am just going to overlook. So make sure you co-ordinate with him." She said and dismissed me too.

I was headed to talk to Dr. Sharma when suddenly I bumped into a wall and my phone which was in my hand went all the way crashing on the floor with a thud.

Wait, a wall?

I just rubbed my forhead and looked up to see whether it was really a wall.

But it wasn't!

It was a man. A tall, hazel eyed man; with a jawline as sharp as a knife. Broad shoulders and with his sharp features he actually looked like some model who just walked off a shoot.

I came out of my haze and looked at him raising my brows.
He just rolled his eyes.

"Get aside." He said and I looked at him questioningly with my hands folded on my chest.

That was the best I could do intimidate him since he was very very intimidating.

"I think the least you could do is apologise. Since you have broken my phone into pieces, apology is the least you could give me." I said and he had a bored expression on his face as if he would rather be anywhere else but here.

He just moved aside so that he could go crossing me but I again stood before him. If he would've not shown me that attitude of his, maybe I would've let him go easily.

But with that attitude I am not going to let  him leave without an apology.

"I don't have time for it." He said and once again tried to cross me but ofcourse he didn't knew he was messing with me.

I won't back down!

"Shana, Dr. Sharma is calling you in his cabin right now." One of my batchmates came to inform me and I just nodded at him.

"You are lucky I have to go otherwise I would never let this matter slide. That too with that attitude of yours." I said to the man before me who was no less than a wall while narrowing my eyes.

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