He is such a task!

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Shanaya Oberoi

Someone was continuously knocking on my door while I was sleeping peacefully.

Who the fuck is it?

Groaning I got up to open the door and there stood Aarav glaring at me.
"What? Dude? You're here at midnight to glare at me?" I said rubbing my eyes sleepily.

He just pushed me aside and entering my room he first looked if anyone was there around my room and then closed it.

"What are we playing? Sherlock holmes?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"You can't even shut up when your sleepy." He said glaring at me and then went towards my bed.

"Oh hello! Excuse me. Are you forgetting this is my room." I said walking towards him.

"I very well know this is your room. I wanted to talk to you urgently! But you being the lazy bum you are took 15 fucking minutes to open the door." He said still glaring at me.

"Yeah talk. I'm all ears." I said sitting beside him on the bed.

I yawned and sleepily kept my head on his shoulder.

"Shanaya! It is really important." He said raising his voice a bit.

I got up from his shoulder and narrowed my eyes at him.
"Talk!" I said crossing my arms on my chest with a huff.

"Stop being cute and distracting me. And listen to me very carefully." He said and I nodded.

Did he just say that I distract him?

"Pratik is blackmailing Shruti." He said and I looked at him confused.

"Blackmailing? With what?" I questioned him raising my brows.

He had fire in his eyes when I asked him that question.

It is bad!
Too bad!

"Wait! He is blackmailing her with their photos & videos?" I asked with wide eyes and Aarav just nodded his head.

"Fucking bastard! I knew he is upto something." I said clenching my jaw.

"I feel like killing him right now!" Aarav said furious.

I held his hand and said
"Calm down. Do you where is that video?" I asked him.

"No. That is the whole problem! I just overheard shruti and his conversation. But also he said that there are more than one copies." Aarav said clenching his jaw.

"Okay! Leave it upto me to find out where is the video. I'll do it by tomorrow. Once we know it, we can just destroy it." I said to him still holding his hand.

"What if we are not able to do it? He is a viciously smart person." He said in a defeated tone.

"Also not to forget the wedding rituals are starting from day after tomorrow." He said.

I went towards him and hugged him.
He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Are you forgetting I am smart too?" I said mischeviously and he just chuckled.

"We'll do it!" I said rubbing his back.

"Are you sure?" He asked holding me tighter.

"We have to! And if we by chance we couldn't destroy the videos then we'll just kill him so that shruti doesn't get married to him. How does that sound?" I asked him playfully to lift up his mood.

"That's your plan B?" He asked with a flabstaggered expression on his face.

I  just winked at him in return.
"It's horrible! I think I need someone sensible with me to do this." He said with an incredulous expression.

"Ohh please! You won't get anyone sensible than me. You have to agree to that."  I said glaring at him.

"Okay fine. Whatever. Now sleep. We have a long day ahead." He said and I left him nodding at him.

A long day ahead!
I've been following this asshole Pratik from morning so that I could atleast get some kind of information from him.
But he is just busy texting someone.

God knows what is in that phone!

Yeah! But there is one important information that I've got and that is his girlfriend is also staying at some hotel in panchgani.

Right now he is just roaming around in the garden while texting someone.

Useless piece of shit!

Just then an idea struck in my mind.

Yessss! That can work!

Quickly I hurried off towards Aarav. But he was surrounded by all his sisters.

Another hurdle!

"Aarav." I called him and he looked at me raising his brows.

"Ohh! Shana, come here. Or is it you will only talk to Aarav bhai?" Ananya teased me.

Ohh god!

No ananya..This is not the time to make me blush!

"No, it is nothing like that. Actually i wanted to talk about something important to Aarav." I said glaring at Aarav so that he gets my hint and comes to me.

"Sure! He is all yours." Ahana di said pushing him towards me and winked at me.

I just dragged him from there.
"Woman! What's wrong with you?" He asked annoyed.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? Okay! Fuck that. I need something from you." I said and he looked at me confused.

"And that is?" He asked me.

"You remember once you mentioned how you've seen Pratik's girlfriend somewhere. Then you told me that she was there at your hospital because you treated her father's accident case?" I asked him and he nodded at me.

"Good! So now I need you to call your hospital and get her call details quick!" I said to him.

"But that's against the rules you know it." He said.

What would I do with him?

"Aarav! I swear if you don't give me her contact details in 5 minutes I am going to chop you off in little pieces!" I said glaring at him.

"Okay fine! No need to get violent. I am doing it." He said and walked away calling someone.

He is such a task!

"I've forwarded it to you." He said after a few minutes.

"But what are we going to do with it? How can his girlfriend help us?" He asked clueless.

"Just wait & watch!" I said smirking.

"What are you upto? Can you tell me?" He asked getting impatient.

"Nope! I'll just surprise you." I said winking at him and started with my plan.

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