Yeah! Calm down.

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Aarav Kapoor

"Why is Shruti not here?" Abhi asked Ahana.

"She said she wanted to rest and be alone, so I let her be. I don't know she is just behaving strange now a days. She doesn't smile much, is alone all the time. During the whole wedding decisons also she just says me to choose whatever I like." Ahana said thinking about her.

Shanaya was right!
Something is definitely fishy!

"Don't worry. Maybe she is stressing about getting married. It is a new step. People tend to get nervous." Daksh said rubbing her shoulder and she smiled looking at him.

I looked at Abhi who sat there scowling at Daksh.
"Keep your hands to yourself!" Abhi yelled at Daksh.

"This day wouldn't have arrived if you would have enough balls 2 years ago when I was getting married." Ahana yelled at him.

"I have enough balls now! But you are just being stubborn." Abhi said to her raising his voice.

A tear rolled down Ahana's cheek and she said
"Yeah! I am just being stubborn."

Ohh god!
Pregnancy hormones.

I got up and held her by her shoulders sitting beside her.
"Sweetheart, stop crying. You're not stubborn. You're perfect." I said trying to stop her crying.

"Abhi, the next time you talk to her like that your are going to be 6 feet underground!" I said glaring at him.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Myra asked as she & Shanaya entered.

"Ahana di, come on. Let's dance. That will make you feel better." Shanaya said forwarding her hand.

"She is 6 months pregnant for god's sake!" I said glaring at Shanaya.

"So, I can dance you know." Ahana said getting up wiping her tears and giving her hand to shanaya.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of her. I won't let her exert herself too much." Shanaya said to me smiling.

I just narrowed my eyes at her.
"You better."

"Sure sir!" She said mock saluting me and left with Myra and Ahana.

"I'll join too." Abhi said getting up.

"Me too." Daksh said winking at Myra and she just blushed.

They are soo much in love.

Even Ayan left, so I was alone again.

In 2 minutes Shanaya came back asking
"Why are you here alone?"

"Because everyone of you is dancing." I said to her rolling my eyes and scrolling through my phone while having my drink.

Yeah ! Drink.

I just ordered one.

One won't hurt!

I finished my drink and Shanaya held my hand and dragged me.

"Shanaya, what are you doing?" I asked irritated.

"I need to show you something." She said and pulled me towards the dance floor.

When we reached there, she came really close to my face. Our noses were almost touching. And I stood there wide eyed.
My heartbeat was soo wild right now.

She turned towards my ear and whispered
"I saw Pratik with a girl over here."

It took me a few seconds to register her words because of her proximity but then when it registered I held her waist and whispered back in her ear
"Can you see them right now?"

"No, I just saw them a minute ago and then he snapped his head in my direction and I had to run out of there so I came to you." She said leaning back.

"Who was the— I was asking when she interrupted me

"Ohh no no no, he is here. Behind you." She said holding my shoulder and I immediately held her waist tightly to show as if we were dancing.

"Fuck! She is the same girl. It means it was not some random fling! This is his another girlfriend." She yelled in ear.

"God! Shanaya. First stop yelling. And second do you have your phone? Just record it." I said to her.

"Yeah! But I can't show him my face. He'll recognise me." She said still looking at him.

"He won't." I said and pulled her closer to me. She was impossibly close to me. There was no space for even air to pass between us.

And I was enjoying it!

"I am covering you almost, so he won't be able to see you. Just record standing in this position only." I said and she nodded distracted as if in some daze.

She was just looking at me. Staring at me.

Don't look at me like that!

Not with those beautiful brown orbs.

"Shanaya" i said snapping fingers before her face.

"Umm yeah. I'll record it." She said and started recording on her phone.

She was standing while her arms around torso hugging me and phone in her hand which was around my torso and it was recording them.
My hands were around her waist securing her in the same place.

"Why are you soo huge? I can't even see one bit!" She whined.

"I am not huge. You are a kid!" I said rolling my eyes at her.

"Shut up, you pig!" She said glaring at me.

And I laughed at her.
"Pig? That's all you got to say? I mean who curses like this?" I asked her laughing.

"Shut up." She again glared at me and tried to peek from beside my shoulder.

"Oh no!" She said suddenly and hugged me tightly.
My body went rigid.

Did my heart just stop beating?

"What's wrong?" I asked pulling her more to me.

"He was going to look at me." She said in a muffled tone. Her cheek pressed against my chest.

It feels good!

"Shanaya, stop the recording. I guess it is enough. Even if his face is visible, it is a good thing for us." I said to her and invountarily my fingers running through her hair.

She nodded and broke the hug.

"I think we should follow them. He'll drop the girl for sure if she is his girlfriend. Maybe it can help us." I said and she said

"Yeah! You're right! Come, let's go." She said again holding my hand.

"Where?" I asked confused.

"They are leaving, you idiot!" She said and dragged me.

"I'll message everyone that we left." She said and I nodded starting the car.

The road were pretty empty so it wasn't a task to locate their car but we couldn't follow them from too close so I had kept a sufficient distance from his car.

"Sunrise Residence. He is dropped her here which means she is definitely his girlfriend. If he wanted to hook up he would've took her with him." I said looking at them.

They were standing leaning on his car's door. Suddenly he pulled her in a kiss and Shanaya started clicking their pictures. They were far away so it wasn't clear but something is better than nothing.

He left in his car and I started the car.
"That piece of shit! Why is he using Shruti if he already has someone else. Bastard!" I said banging my hand on the steering wheel aggressively.

"Aarav, calm down. We'll do something about it. We have videos & pictures of them." She said with her hand on my shoulder and I just nodded.

Yeah! Calm down.

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