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It had been a week since Izuku made his debut as Otsutsuki. The news stations were going crazy, at first Izuku did it so that it would be a sneaky operation so he didn't draw to much attention. But that all changed when he met edgeshot while he was stopping an illegal drug deal.


Izuku : Man those guys were such a handful.

??? : Stop right there

Izuku : Edgeshot

Edgeshot : So, you're the rumored vigilante. You know there has been sightings of a white-masked vigilante from the criminals you caught but we havent been able to identify you

Izuku : Yeah, i'm not surpised. It's nice to meet a fellow ninja ya know

Edgeshot : Hmm, i can't tell by the sound of your voice but judjing by your size you must be at least 16 years old

Izuku : Have you ever heard the term 'don't judge a book by it's cover' ?

Edgeshot : More than you ever know

They then ran at each other exchanging punches and kicks, After a while edgeshot took this seriously and used his quirk to appear behind and attemted to punch him, Izuku however used a substitution jutsu and appeared behind edgeshot and kicked him to create some distance.

Izuku : Why don't we take it up a notch *pulls out kunai*

Edgeshot : Fine by me *takes out a tanto*

They clashed their weapons sometimes taking it to the walls where izuku just stands on . They started clashing some more until something happened. Edgeshot couldn't move.

Edgeshot : W-What is this ?

Izuku shows that there was a thin string attached to his kunai. Edgeshot was surprised that someone like him could pull a technique like this. He tried to use his quirk but felt the string pull tighter an started to cut him.

Izuku : Just try to use your quirk, unless you want cuts that is

Edgeshot : W-Who are y-you ?

Izuku : Fine as a reward for going *checks his watch* 11 minutes with me. My name is Otsutsuki, like the name on my cloak see ?

Edgeshot : What kind of vigilante are you ?

Izuku : Ehh, i don't know. I was bored tbh

Footsteps were heard as they got closer, Izuku knew he couldn't handle mutiple people so he started to dash.

Izuku : Anyways i gotta go, please don't tell the other heroes about me. Fire style : Hiding in ash jutsu

Izuku then got ontop of rooftops and finally teleporting back to his apartment.

Izuku : Summoning Jutsu

The tailed beast started appearing one by one, they were getting used to being summoned by izuku just so they could get out of his head. Literally. Once they were all summoned they started to go on with their lives.

(Flashback end)

(At U.A)

Everyone was talking about the new vigilante and how he somehow beat edgeshot the number #5 hero in a fight.

Hagakure : Hey, have you heard about the new vigilante ?

Ochako : Yeah i have, I think his name was otsutsuki.

Mina : The news said he fought edgeshot and won he must be really powerful.

Aizawa then walked in on cue and everyone went to their seats and shut up.

The Heartbroken Jinchuriki (Izuku X Momo)Where stories live. Discover now