All For One and the Sage Of Six Path's

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Sorry for taking so long, 

(The next day)

Momo was back at the hospital because all of her friends were there apparently, she got to the hospital and took the elevator to the room.

Momo : Hey guys why are we here right now ?

Tsuyu : You wanna tell her kirishima ?

Momo : tell me what ?

Kirishima : I wanna save bakugo 

Momo was shocked at least, she asked Izuku to help her but he declined saying it was dangerous.

Momo : How though ?

Kirishima : Well you said you has a tracker on the Nomu right ?

Momo nodded

Kirishima : Yeah, if we can track it. We can find bakugo and save him

Uraraka : But how do we even do that, we're not even certain that bakugo could even be in the same place as the Nomu. And what do we even do if we get caught ?.

Jirou : Uraraka has a point kirishima, besides we aren't that strong not as strong as bakugo or even todoroki who is now in the icu. Heck we're not even close to how strong Izuku is.

Kirishima : I know, but i feel like it was my fault that Bakugo got captured, if i was with him we could have prevented that.

Kaminari : No offense, but Izuku was with Bakugo and he still got captured. And if you were with bakugo, heck maybe you could have gotten captured

1-a : KAMINARI!!

Kaminari : I'm just saying!!!

Kirishima : I'm not asking for a fight, i just want to save him.

Lida then comes to the front 

lida : Kirishima i can't allow this. As class rep i will not oversee this.

Kirishima : If you guys won't go then i'll go by myself.

Sero : Dude, i know you wanna save bakugo. We all do. But you have to stop playing the hero

Kirishima : But we are Heroes

Tsuyu : in training *kero*

Kirishima : I don't care what you guys say. If you wanna join, meet me outside the hospital at 8.00 pm.

Everyone left the hospital except momo because she wanted to get something to drink from the nearby vending machine. She thought about what kirishima said.

Kirishima : 'meet me outside the hospital at 8.00 pm'

Momo was walking while thinking about whether she should join or not, while she was walking she heard a faint voice.

Shoto : ...momo....

She looked to her left and saw a full-body bandaged shoto, the only thing that wasn't bandaged was his mouth. Momo walked in because honestly she felt bad, no matter how much of a jerk he is, he is still her classmate.

Momo : Hey shoto...

Shoto : guess i lost huh, That midoriya grew really strong

Momo : Yeah he did

Shoto : So how is everyone ? *cough* 

Momo : Their all fine, well except you that is *chuckle*

Shoto : hehe*cough*anyways i wanna ask you something

Momo : Sure what is it ?

Shoto : Are you even into me ?

Momo panicked finding the right answer

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