A god ?

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There stood two people who are now considered the strongest humans as of right now getting ready to fight

AFO : Good job, you made it this far. But you'd die now

Izuku : I don't think i will

AFO : Even though you have that power up, you're still no match for Gigantomachia

Izuku : You'd want to reconsider your words

AFO : Why is that ?

Izuku : I'm not the only one who is gonna power up. Summoning Jutsu : Gedho statue

A large-brown statue rose up the ground to the size of the tailed beast

A large-brown statue rose up the ground to the size of the tailed beast

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Kurama : Izuku are you ?

Izuku : I am, i assume you're fine with it

Son goku : Hell yeah we are

The other tailed beast agreed with son, Izuku nodded accordingly.

AFO : Hmph, another one how is that a power up ?

Izuku : Ohh it isn't here to fight.

Izuku then weaved some more signs and chains came out of the mouth of the statue wrapping itself around the beast's.

Kurama : I hate this process

The beast then suddenly were pulled towards the gedo statue, After some time the statue glowed for sometime then when the light died down a new foe appeared.

The beast then suddenly were pulled towards the gedo statue, After some time the statue glowed for sometime then when the light died down a new foe appeared

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This new form of the tailed beast looked bigger and had six arms and a third eye on it's head.

AFO : Now this is a worthy challenge

Both of them and their respective assets charged each other, the ten tails rushed to fight the asura gigantomachia while izuku fought AFO.

Izuku used his staff to fight in close combat with AFO, AFO now having two large arms helped him in battle avoiding the strikes from Izuku. While in long range, Izuku used the rinnegan's asura path to send missiles towards AFO, but AFO used his defence type quirks to shield himself.

The Heartbroken Jinchuriki (Izuku X Momo)Where stories live. Discover now