Chapter 5: breaking point

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Skylar's POV:

I turn to leave when I feel Emma grab my arm. I flinch. She slaps me on my right cheek and pushes me to the floor. My ears are ringing. I can't hear anything she is saying. She keeps on kicking me with her high heels constantly. When she got bored she left.

I was curled up on the cold floor. I felt like I couldn't breathe. It was like I was frozen. After about five minutes I finally managed to stand up. I looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were so lifeless. I looked exhausted.

I stay in the bathroom for the rest of lunch. To think that if I had just avoided the cafeteria none of this would have happened.

I didn't see Max for the rest of the day, just Emma. She was sitting there smirking at me looking so smug. I didn't see Alec or his friends either. Good, maybe they have decided to leave me alone.

After last period I made my way to detention. My father will kill me for being late. I know he will but I can't miss detention. It's okay I tell myself. You will be fine. I won't be fine. I will be lucky if I live to see tomorow.

I enter the classroom to see Alec and his friends. Great. Just great.

"Hey, are you okay? What happened earlier?" Alec asks.

I decide not to say anything and sit as far from them as I can. The teacher falls asleep halfway through so Alec and his friends try talk to me again.

"Skylar look we promise we don't want tk hurt you, please just talk to us and give us a chance." Alec pleads. Why does he care so much?

"Yeah we just want to be your friends." Taylor adds.

"W-why? W-why do y-you guys care so much? " I ask in a quiet voice. All that new found confidence was gone now. I don't know what came over me earlier but now I am back to a nervous wreck who can't talk to people without stuttering.

Before any of them could answer my phone rings. I look at the caller ID and see that its my father. I instantly tense up. I freeze up with fear.

When I pick up the phone I hear him yelling. Hopefully Alec and his friends can't hear him.

"Where the fuck are you! You're probably with a guy aren't you, you little slut?!"

"N-no, I-I'm in detention." I reply trying to mask my fear, as I was well aware of the fact that Alec could hear what I was saying.


He hung up the phone. I start to get up and head for the door.

"Where are you going?" Alec asks.

"H-home, my Dad wants me home."

"Well I'll give you a ride."

"N-no thank you."

"Let him give you a ride pumpkin" Tyler says.

"O-ok, but that doesn't make us friends." I say. It's best I don't have friends. I don't want to bring anyone else into my life. They will probably leave and break me even more or they will get hurt.

"Ouch. That really hurts my feelings" Alec puts a hand over his heart and wipes away a fake tear. I roll my eyes at him while the others laugh.

"Me and Jay will come too." Taylor says.

I give her a small smile and they get up and we leave. As we walk to his car Alec notices me limping.

"Why are you limping?"

"O-oh I fell over and s-sprained my a-ankle"

He doesn't say anything else but I know he doesn't believe me. He gave me a small smile before opening the door for me. I get in. I tell him my adress and ask him to drop me off at the top of my road.

"So Skylar what do you do for fun?" Taylor asks.

"Um, I-I like to draw I g-guess. W-what about you?" I respond trying to be polite.

"Oh yeah I saw your drawing in art and it was really good. I just chill out with these idiots" She replies laughing a little at the end.

"Thank you."

"Do you like anyone at school at the moment Skylar?" Jay asks with a smirk on his face.

I feel my cheeks go a deep red. Alec turns to look at me.

"Um n-no not r-really?"

"Oh well maybe that will change soon"

I go a deeper shade of red. Alec turns a bit more and slap Jay on the back of his head.

This was nice. For the first time in forever I felt normal. I have always wanted friends but I get so scared. What if my father finds out? What if I hurt them or do something wrong? What if they leave? What if they found our about what is happening at home?

As much as I would like to be friends with Alec I can't. I have to push them away.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Alec asks me.

"O-oh I was j-just thinking about homework." I say putting a fake smile on my face.

We reach the top of my road and I thank him for giving me a ride and start walking to my house. When they are out of sight I was so close to not being alone anymore. I almost felt normal but now? Now I have to break myself. The past 5 minutes have been the best 5 minutes I have had in a long time. But now I have to push him away along with his friends.

I walk into my house to hear my father yell my name from the living room. I walk in to feel a cold sharp metal rip from my shoulder to the small of my back. I let out a cry as my legs give way. I start sobbing.

"You fucking bitch! Sleep around like a whore! Your lucky your even alive! I wish it was you not her! Why the fuck didn't you die instead!"

"I-I'm sorry please I won't be late again!"

I look into his eyes and see nothing but pure hatred. He grabs me by my hair and takes me to the basement.

"Fuck your so fucking fat!"

For what seems like hours he beats me up until he thinks I have learned my lesson. I cried out and screamed begged him to stop. I can't do this anymore.I don't want this life anymore. I let out a sob.

Nobody cares about me. Nobody wants me. If I wasn't here what difference would it make? The world would still go on. The earth would still rotate. Nobody would care. I have nobody keeping me here. However I still must go on. I have to be strong. I have to build my walls so high that you can't see how high they reach.

But for how long will I be able to keep them up? Because right now I think this is my breaking point.

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