02. the jenna thing

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chapter twocorruption

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chapter two

"Why was Jenna there?" Aria asked. She was the first to speak what they were all wondering. With Alison's body being found, the questioning from the police, messages from a total stranger and now Jenna back. They had a lot to worry about.

The five of them had gone to the grill after leaving Alison's funeral, still shook by Jenna's return. It was a small cafe on the corner of the road where five used to go there all the time with Alison. It was a nice quiet place to meet up with not too many people around who could disturb them.

"I guess she's back." Spencer said, stating the obvious. Her emotions were all over the place due to the worried feeling that lay at the bottom of her stomach.

"That cop acted like we were suspects or something." Hanna scoffed.

"Do you think we looked guilty?" Emily asked nervously.

"Why would we? We haven't done anything wrong." Blair stated tapping her nails on the table.

"Except lie about the Jenna thing." Hanna mumbled.

"We promised we'd never bring up the Jenna thing up again, remember?" Spencer voiced, "It never happened."

"Have you found a way to forget? I still wake up in the middle of the night." Aria whispered, fumbling with the hem of her dress.

"Aria, it was an accident." Blair said, watching as Hanna pored something into her glass. Even though the guilt still ate her alive, she didn't put all the blame on herself and her friends. There was no way any of them knew she was inside of that shed thing, right?

"What?" she snapped at a man who was staring from a table in the corner. "It's medical."

"Cramps." Blair added, making him advert his eyes away from the girls. The last thing they needed right now was everyone watching and judging. She could still imagine the look of Wilden as his eyes glanced over each of them, studying them as if they were his college essays.

"I don't get it. How does A know something about me that only Alison knew?" Emily asked, already knowing that neither of the five girls would be able to answer.

"Ali knew all of our secrets, but we never knew any of hers." Aria said with furrowed eyebrows.

Blair and Ali were best friends way before the other four girls joined them. The two had always been the closest. It was almost obvious that Blair would be the first to know something if Alison wanted it to be shared. So when Spencer glanced her way with raised eyebrows, she sighed before speaking.
"I knew a few."

"Go on."


Blair shook her head, biting her lip before releasing it. "I can't."

"B! You are not gonna drop a bomb like that and just clam up!" Aria whined.

"She'd kill me if I told you."

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