03. to kill a mocking girl

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chapter three

"Whose idea was this again?" Blair grumbled, walking through the woods. Trees surrounded her and the mud on the floor was going to turn her white shoes brown. Although she would happily ruin a pair of shoes to be with her friends again; not that she wilt ever tell them that.

"Emily's mum" Spencer replied, glancing at the Parker girl.

"The shed was me. My mum just said we should do something for us" Emily explained.

"Well, couldn't we do anything without mosquitoes?" Hanna complained.

"They're not mosquitoes, they're gnats" Aria corrected.


"They're small and annoying, and they're flying up my nose!" Blair whined, glad that she wore a pair of converse instead of heels.

"Well, they're attracted to your perfume. And your hair products." Spencer teased Hanna before looking at Blair. "And your lipgloss"

"So, what are you saying, we attract flies?" Hanna said whilst Blair rolled her eyes.

"Gnats" Aria corrected, again.

"Why do I feel like this is the wrong way?" Emily asked, changing the subject.

"No, this is it. I remember that tree." Spencer replied, nodding towards it. "It's the halfway point. There's 136 steps left to the shed"

"Have you been out her since.... Alison?" Emily questioned.

"Me? No way."

"But you remember that tree" Blair asked, a confused look on her face. Due to her being in California with her grandmother, Blair hadn't been anywhere near where they were heading and even if she was in Rosewood she would of probably stayed clear of it.

"You guys, it's not that weird. I mean, we came out here in eighth grade like, every day.... even after" Hanna shrugged, her mind some place else.

"I think this is totally the wrong place to do this. Whatever you call it.... shrine" Spencer voiced.

"It's not a shrine" Emily argued. "It's a place to remember Alison? What's wrong with that?"

"Doing it way out here makes it look like we have something to hide" Spencer shrugged.

"You're worried what other people think?" Blair asked hugging her denim jacket to herself a little more.

"Well aren't you? Do you want to give that creepy detective more reasons to question us?" Spencer replied.

"Hanna, why are you so quiet?" Emily asked, changing the subject.

"I'm trying to keep the bugs in my nose and out of my mouth" Hanna said, placing her hands in the front pockets of her jeans.

"You're allowed to have a opinion on this." Emily said.

"You want my opinion?" Hanna started, waving her hands about. "I say we hold of and not remember her 'til we know for sure she's still not here."

"What?!" the other girls exclaimed, spinning around to look at the blonde.

"What are you talking about?" Aria asked, still shocked by the words that had just come out of Hanna's mouth. Alison was dead. They found a body.

"You think she's still alive?" Emily whispered, not believing what Hanna had just said. How could she think such a thing when they had watched their friends body being taken away themselves.

"Hanna," Blair sighed, not knowing what to say at first. She had some hope that Alison was still out there but when they found a body in the back yard she used to sneak into, she knew that he friend wasn't coming back. Right?  "they found her body."

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