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"He's not answering!"

"Yah! He's probably busy."

"Busy my ass! I know his schedule today and he has no excuse!"

I was really pissed today because he promised he really freaking promise to meet up with me today and I really double, triple asked him if he's busy and I truly understand that. I even secretly asked his members and managers if they have schedules and they don't.


Sleeping? No.

It's already afternoon he usually wakes up around 10-11am.

I texted him an hour but still no response.

I'm in the verge of crying and killing him at the same time.

Now it's already night time.

I even distracted myself on playing games with Hendery, Heachan and Jeno the whole afternoon just to forget him for the meantime. Of course I asked Hendery and he told me he didn't see the "dude" today. I'M MORE PISSED.

It's almost midnight.

Where is he?!

I sighed. Instead of wasting my time on "useless" thoughts I did my usual skin routine.

I prepare myself to sleep. Since I didn't receive any call or text from that dude. Simple, I blocked him.

If he was really that busy he could've just told me, so I won't expect. I hate this feeling. I feel alone. I maybe friends with the group but he is different. I want to hate him but my love of him surpassed it. I sighed. In dramas I should be crying rn. I rolled my eyes and open my phone. As I was scrolling down. I saw some of the post of other members, I smiled. My happy dorks. As I was about to sleep, I heard my main door opened. I know it's him.

Im in the verge of killing him. He made me wait whole day and didn't even communicate with me.


I didn't answer him. I pretend to sleep.

"Jagiya? Are you here?" He asked again and still I made no sound.

I heard my bedroom door open.


Still I didn't make a sound.

He sighed. He knows. He should be.

I heard his footsteps and few minutes I heard my shower running.

I looked a bit at my bathroom door and trying calm myself.

"Y/n, you can do this. He has his reason why, calm yourself down, don't jump to conclusions, just talk calmly and please don't be harsh and don't try to strangle him." I deeply sighed

"You can do this girl!" I whispered.

Then I heard the shower died down. He's done!

I lean back to my headboard and just look at my phone.

"Oh you're awake? I thought you're already sleeping." He said and dried his hair with a towel.

I looked at him and continue to ignored him.

Moments later, he sat beside me.


Still not talking to him and continued scrolling my sns.

He sighed.

"I know you're super mad and won't talk to me."

"I know you're pissed today and it was supposed to be our date together..."

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

"I should've inform you ahead and I tried to contact you but you blocked me and I understand."

"Where were you whole day?" I whispered and not looking at him.

"I-I uhhhh..." he looked away

"Dong Sicheng. I'm asking you a question." I closed my eyes and trying to hold my anger. 

"Uhmm.. How should I say this...I-I uhhh..." He looked at me again and looked away.

I sighed deeply and close my eyes again.

"Win, don't let me repeat what I asked, I'm trying to control my anger right now, I can make you injure and  kill you right here, right now." I said closing my eyes.

"I'm trying to hold my anger whole day and trying my best to be patient and wait for you for WHOLE FREAKING DAY! You promised and I stick to it. You promised." I whispered. 

Without noticing I was already in tears. Stupid emotions. Stupid tears. Stupid promises. Stupid Winwin!

He sighed and hugged me.

"I'm sorry love, I'm sorry." He whispered and hugged me tight.

I sobbed hard and let go the pain that keeps holding me whole day.

"You know I hate being hanging." I whispered.

"Even Hendery doesn't know where you are." I continued.

"Please don't be like this, if you're busy I truly understand, just don't make small promises that you can't even keep." I whispered again he keeps comforting me.

I tried to hate him, There were times I tried to breakup with him. But I can't. I love him too much. 

"Are you okay?" he asked and holds my face and looked at him.

I nod and he wiped my tears and kissed my forehead.

"I'll be back." He smiled and I just nod again.

I wiped my tears and calming myself again.

Few minutes he came back and brought me water and an envelope.

"Here drink this first." He said and give me the glass.

"There, drink it slowly." He said.

I just looked at him while drinking and he patted my head and smiled.

After drinking he place the glass on our bedside table.

He was stating worriedly at me but replaced with a small smile.

"I know I have no excuse why I didn't communicate or inform others where I am because I was busy settling with this."

He gave me the envelope.

"What is this?" I asked and looked at him.

"Open it." He smiled.

I opened the envelop and saw...

"A Plane ticket?" I confusedly looked at him.

He sighed and holds my hands and smiled.

"Actually I was at the company the whole day and told manager-nim not to tell anyone even the members that I was there."

He paused and caress my hands.

"I booked your flight going to China."

I gasped.

"It was supposed to be a surprise for our dinner date today, but it took as a while  we had a hard time looking for a fight and a good seat for the both of us."

He smiled and took my hand again.

"W-why?" I stare at him trying to hold back my tears again.

He smiled and wipe my tears  which I didn't notice it was already falling.

"I want you to meet my family."

He smiled.


A/N: OMG!!! Sorry it took me a while to update, been very busy with work and I had a writers block.. huhuhuhhu 

Thank you for patiently waiting, will try to update soon..


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