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For those who want to end up with Michael l'll make the same story and y/n will end up with him so don't worry Langdon fans! Enjoy🍪

October 31 1999

Y/n's Pov🌻

"Class over everyone!" I grabbed all my stuff and left class.

I made my way to the Library to study for my exams since next month we were all gonna graduate and go to year 7.

"Hello y/n." Anvell places her book down and smirks "It's you again." She chuckles "Yeah you look happy why..I thought Mattheo already found out what you did." I stretch my eyebrows forming a line on my forehead "What do you mean by found out?" She chuckles "Oh don't worry you will find out later." I rolled my eye's "Fucking idiot." I mumble under ny breath and made my way to seat away from Anvell.

I sat down next to Zahida and took out my books to study for Defence of Dark arts.

"How are you doing y/n?" I smile "I'm doing amazing just stressed with the up-coming exams." She sighs "About that why did you even remind me?!" She groans and hits the table by her head "Sorry,but you are the one who asked." She raises her head "Yeah thanks." She says lowly.

Hours passed and everyone had left the library and Zahida and l were the only people in the library.

"Soooo..." She looks at me with no facial expressions"Yes me and Michael we are a thing now." I widen my smile "I knew it oh my gosh I'm so happy for the both of you,l knew you were the right girl for Michael." She lets out a giggle "Thank you y/n..and I must say Michael speaks highly of you all the time,l know you guys had a horrible last together and I'm glad you guys made it up already." I pull her into u hug "Thanks Zahida." She embraces me back "Don't thank me y/n." -"I should because you are making Michael the happiest boy l have ever seen...without you Michael would have been broken." She pulls away from the hug "Y/N!" I turn around with a smile on my face and l knew exactly who it was.

"SARAH MOTHER FUCKING SARAH!" I stood up and ran to give her a hug "How are you doing bitch,l missed you so fucking much,and oh my gosh you look so beautiful and hot at the same time,and why didn't you respond to my letters!?" She giggles "Calm down y/n take a breath first and l will answer all your questions." I cross my arms "Answer them now!" She smiles "I don't know if Draco told you but my baby died...and I didn't have the strength to do anything." She frowns,l pulled her into a hug "I'm sorry Sarah you don't deserve that." She pulls away with a weak smile on her face "It's alright y/n eveything happens for a reason." I nod with a faint smile "Tell me all the gossip l missed while I was gone!" She giggles "I met a vampire!" She gasp "Wait what!?" I nod excitedly "And what's the gender of the vampire?" I giggle "I male of course,his name is Sebastian." She gasp "ARE YOU CRAZY!?" -"What?" She chuckles "And you didn't tell me!?"-"I just told you now Sarah com'on." I playfully rolled my eye's.

I hear Zahida clear her throat and l turned around with a smile on my face "Oh Sarah meet Zahida..and Zahida this is my bestfriend Miss Sarah Rivera." Sarah giggles and Zahida extends her hand for a handshake "Nice to meet you Sarah." They both shake each others hands and talked too each other for hours,l was so happy to see Sarah once again.

"Why you staring at me like that?" She smiles "Because l haven't seen my bestfriend for a long time." She hits my head playfully "I think we should get going l'm hungry how about you guys?" I raised up my hand "I am what about you Sarah?" She nods "I'm hungry and exhausted at the same time let's go eat!"

I grabbed my bag and we left the Library making our way to the Great Hall.

On our way there l heard people whispering while I was walking past them making me feel uncomfortable.

"Are you okay y/n?" Sarah looks at me with concern,l form a faint smile "I'm okay Sarah."

Before we could enter the Great Hall I felt someone turn me around by my waist.

"MATTHEO WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I could see range through his eye's "DON'T EVEN PRETEND Y/N!" I look around everyone was starting to gather around "Why would you even fucking say that,l tried my best to treat you like a queen and that's how you repay me,TELLING PEOPE ABOUT MY DEAD SISTER,MY FUCKING SISTER THAT I LOVE SO MUCH!" I tried to hold his hand but he pushed my hand away from me "Don't you touch me y/n!" -"I didn't do anything Mattheo trust me." I form a faint smile -"Mattheo y/n didn't do anything" Mattheo turns his gaze to Sarah "Don't fucking say a word you should be worried about your dead child and mind your fucking businesss!" Sarah walked backwards and left me with Zahida "DON'T TALK TO MY FRIEND LIKE THAT MATTHEO!" He rolls his eye's "Or what!?" I sigh "I won't do anything Mattheo...you don't what it feels like to loose the person you love,she lost her child and you reminded her about that why would you Mattheo?" I say in a low voice "How could you Mattheo..?" -"DO I LOOK LIKE I CARE FOR FUCK SAKE Y/N SHUT UP JUST SHUT UP,YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY ANYTHING ABOUT MY SISTER YOU FUCKING S.L.U.T!"This time l didn't want to cry infront of Mattheo or infront of everyone who's present,"What did you just call me?" He chuckles "A SLUT THAT'S WHAT YOU ARE,YOU ARE NOT WORTH IT Y/N,YOU ARE UGLY I WONDER WHY I FEEL INLOVE WITH SOMEONE UGLY LIKE YOU!" I shut my eye's fighting my tears from flooding "Mattheo why would you say that to y/n?" Zahida held my hand "IT'S TRUE SHE'S FUCKING UGLY AND SHE KNOWS IT,SHE'S A SLUT JUST LIKE HER MOTHER!" Everyone gasped and l opened my eye's "Mattheo.." I say in a low soft voice "DON'T say my name ever!" I looked around and ran out of the crowd making my way to Michael's dorm.

"Michael,Michael,Michael!" I ran up to him and gave him a hug "Hey what's wrong?" He tugs my hair "Matth-Mattheo said I'm a slut and I'm unworthy and ugly.." He pulls away and looks into my eye's "Shhh you aren't ugly or a slut y/n You are more than that you are the most purest soul l have ever met and you are worthy don't let anyone tell you other wise...you are the most prettiest girl l have ever since and your personality is beautiful." I smile "Thank you Michael...you are the best friend I have ever had." He pulls me into another hug "Don't let him affect you y/n." I nod lightly as l bury my head on his shoulder.

"Remember you are loved y/n." He whispers.

You are mine(Mattheo Riddle × Michael Langdon +Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now